Telangana TSBIE TS Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material 8th Lesson Applied Biology Textbook Questions and Answers.
TS Inter 2nd Year Zoology Study Material 8th Lesson Applied Biology
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What factors constitute dairying?
Breeding, feeding and management of milch animals, production, processing and marketing of their milk and milk products on economic basis constitute dairying.
Question 2.
Mention any two advantages of inbreeding.
Two advantages of inbreeding :
- Inbreeding increases homozygosity.
- It helps in the accumulation of superior genes and elimination of less desirable genes.
Question 3.
Distinguish betwen out-cross and cross-breed.
Outcrossing is the crossing of unrelated pure breeding animals of different traits with in the same breed whereas cross-breeding is the mating of animals of different breeds.
Question 4.
Define the terms layer and broiler. [Mar. ’17,’15 (A.P.)]
- The birds which are raised exclusively for the production of eggs are called Layers.
- The birds which are raised only for their meat are called Broilers.
Question 5.
What is apiculture? [Mar. ’20, 17, May 17 (A.P); Mar. ’15 (T.S); Mar. ’14]
Apiculture or Beekeeping is the maintenance of hives of honey bees for the production of honey and wax. Beekeeping is an age old cottage industry.
Question 6.
Distinguish between a drone and worker in a honey bee colony.
- Drones are robust, large winged small numbered, short lived and fed with bee bread by nurse workers. They are developed from unfertilized ova by arrhenotoky (male parthenogenesis).
- Worker bees are multifaceted sterile females which develop from the fertilised eggs and peform diverse functions. They live for two or three months. They are very small in size.
Question 7.
Define the term Fishery.
Exploitation of fish and other related aquatic organisms is called Fishery.
Question 8.
Differentiate aquaculture and pisciculture.
- Aquaculture or culture fishery involves rearing and management of selected aquatic organisms under regulated conditions and their subsequent harvesting after the stipulated time.
- The term PISCICULTURE is used when the organisms cultured and exclusively fin fishes.
Question 9.
Explain the term hypophysation. [March 2015 (T.S.)]
Hypophysation or induced breeding is followed in artificial breeding. Pituitary extracts containing FSH and LH or ovaprim are injected into brood fish to induce release of spawn for seed production.
Question 10.
List out any two Indian carps and two exotic carps. [March 2018 (A.P.); May / June 2014]
- Two Indian carps are catla Catla (catla) and Cirrhinus mrigala (mrigai).
- Two exotic carps are Cyprinus carpio (Chinese carp), Tilapia (grass carp).
Question 11.
Mention any four fish by-products. [March 2019]
Four fish by products are
- Shark and cod liver oils containing vit A and vit D.
- Oil from Sardine and Salmon – good source of omega – 3 fatty acids.
(prevent cancer cel! growth, lowers blood cholesterol) - Fish guano – Fertiliser prepared from scrap fish.
- Shagreen.
Question 12.
How many amino acids and polypeptide chains are present in insulin? [March 2019]
Human insulin is made up of 51 aminoacids arranged in two polypeptide chains chain A (21 amino adds) and chian B (30 – amino acids).
Question 13.
Define the term ’vaccine’.
The term vaccine was coined by Edward Jenner. A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease.
Question 14.
Mention any two features of PCR.
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a powerful technique to identify many other genetic disorders such as haemophilia, phenylketonuria etc.
- PCR helps to detect very Sow amounts of DNA by amplification of the small DNA fragment.
Question 15.
What does ADA stand for? Deficiency of ADA causes which disease?
ADA stands for Adenosine De Aminase. ADA deficiency causes severe combined immune deficiency (SCID). It is caused by the deletion or dysfunction of the gene encoding for the enzyme ADA.
Question 16.
Define the term transgenic animal.
Animals that have their own geneome and had their DNA manipulated to possess and express an extra gene are known as transgenic animals.
Question 17.
What is popularly called ‘Guardian Angel of Cell’s Genome’? [March 2020]
The protein p53 plays an important role with reference to the G1 check point in the regulation of cell division cycle. It guards the integrity of the DNA. Hence it is often called the Guardian Angel of Cell’s Genome.
Question 18.
List out any four features of cancer cells. [May 2007 (A.P.)]
Characters of cancer cells :
- These cells are characterised by indefinite growth.
- These cells are with out contact inhibition.
- These cells are characterised by evading apoptosis (no death).
- These cells a typical of parent autonomons and aggressive.
Question 19.
How do we obtain radiographs?
A beam of X-rays is produced by an X-ray generator and is projected on the body parts. X-rays that pass through the body parts are recorded on a photographic film or observed on a fluorescent screen. Photographs developed using X-rays are known as radiographs or skiagraphs.
Question 20.
What is tomogram?
The X-ray detector of the CT-scanner can see hundreds of different levels of density and tissues in a solid organ. The data is transmitted to a computer which builds up 3-D cross sectional picture of the part of the body and displays the picture on the screen. This recorded image is called tomogram.
Question 21.
MRI scan in harmless-justify. [March 2018 (A.P.); May/June 2014]
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan is harmless because MRI does not use ionizing radiation as involved in X-rays and is generally a very safe procedure.
Question 22.
What is electrocardiography and what are the normal components of ECG? [March 2015 (A.P.)]
Electrocardiography (ECG) is a commonly used, non invasive procedure for recording electrical changes in the heart.
A normal ECG consists 1) Waves 2) Intervals 3) Segments and 4) Complexes.
Question 23.
What does prolonged P-R interval indicate?
Prolonged P-R interval indicates delay in conduction of impulses from S-A node to the A-V node. P-R interval is prolonged in bradycardia (slow beating of heart) and shortened in tachycardia (fast beating of heart).
Question 24.
Differentiate between primary and secondary antibodies.
- Primary antibodies react with the antigens of interest.
- Secondary antibodies react with primary antibodies.
Question 25.
Which substances in a sample are detected by direct and indirect ELISA respectively? [March 2014]
Direct ELISA – ELISA used to detect antigens.
Indirect ELISA – ELISA done to detect antibodies.
Short Answer type Questions
Question 1.
What are the various methods employed in animal breeding to improve livestock?
Methods of animal breeding : There are broadly two methods of breeding :
1) Inbreeding :
When crossing is done between animals of the same breed it is called inbreeding. It refers to mating of more closely related individuals within the same breed of individuals in a lineage. The breeding strategy is the identification and mating of superior males and superior females of the same breed.
Inbreeding is of two types :
1) Close breeding,
2) Line breeding.,
Close breeding is mating between male parent (sire) and female offspring and / or female (dam) with male offspring. Line breeding (cousin mating) is the selective breeding of animals for a desired feature by mating them within a closely related line (but not as close as close breeding). It leads to upgrading (to improve the quality of livestock by selective breeding for desired characteristics) of a desired commerical character.
2) Outbreeding :
Out-breeding is the breeding of the unrelated animals; it is the cross between different breeds. Out-breeding is of three types
- Out-crossing
- Cross-breeding
- Interspecific hybridisation.
1. Out-crossing :
It is the practice of mating of animals within the same breed, but having no common ancestors on either side of the pedigree for 4-6 generations. The offspring of such a mating is known as an out-cross. It is the best breeding method for animals that are below average in milk production, growth rate (in beef cattle) etc. At times a single out-cross often helps to overcome inbreeding depression.
2. Cross-breeding :
In this method, superior males of one breed are mated with superior females of another breed. The offspring of such a mating is said to be a cross-breed. Cross-breeding allows the desirable qualities of two different breeds to be combined. The progeny (cross breeds) are not only used for commercial production but also inbreeding and selection to develop stable breeds which may be superior to existing breeds.
3. Interspecific hybridisation :
In this method, male and female animals of two different related species are mated. The progeny may combine desirable features of both the parents and is different from both the parents. For example when a male donkey (jack / ass) is crossed with a female horse (mare), it leads to the production of a mule.
Question 2.
Define the term ‘breed’. What are the objectives of animal breeding?
Animal Breeding :
Animal breeding is an important aspect of animal husbandry which aims at increasing the yield of animals and improving the desirable qualities of the produce. A breed is a group of animals related by descent and similar in most characters like appearance, features, size, configuration, etc. The following are the desirable qualities for which we breed animals :
- Disease resistance,
- Increase in the quality and quantity of milk, meat, wool, etc.
- Fast growth rate,
- Enhanced productive life by improving the genetic merit of livestock,
- Early maturity and
- Economy of feed.
Question 3.
Explain the role of animal husbandry in human welfare.
Animal Husbandry :
The strategies adopted for enhancing food production are bound to play a major role in meeting the requirement of food for the ever increasing world’s population in the near future. The biological principles that are applied to animal husbandry will become crucial in our efforts to increase the food production.
Animal husbandry is the agricultural practice of breeding and raising livestock (all domesticated animals reared for the benefit of man). It includes buffaloes, cows, pigs, horses, cattle, sheep, camels, goats etc. However the term livestock is often used for farm animals. If extended, it also includes poultry farming and fisheries.
Even though the estimated world’s livestock population in India and China together is more than 70%, their contribution to world’s farm produce is only 25%, i.e., the productivity per unit is very low. The average annual milk yield is about 170 liters per cow in India. Contrary to it, the average annual milk yield is about 4,100 liters per cow in Netherlands.
Because of its low productivity the Indian cow is known as ‘teacup cow’. So, newer technologies have to be applied to achieve improvement in quality and productivity. Modern methods of breeding, MOET (multiple ovulation and embryo transfer) and production of transgenic animals must be taken up on a large scale in addition to conventional practices and care.
Question 4.
List out the various steps involved in MOET.
Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer (MOET) :
The following are the steps invovled in MOET.
- A cow is administered hormones, with FSH-like activity.
- This induces follicular maturation and super ovulation (In super ovulation- instead of one egg, which they normally produce per cycle, they produce 6-8 eggs).
- The animal (cow) is either mated with an elite buli or artificially inseminated.
- The embroys are at 8-32 celled stages are recovered non-surgically and transferred to surrogate mother (an animal that develops the offspring of another animal in its womb).
Now the genetic mother is ready for another round of super ovulation.
Question 5.
Write short notes on controlled breeding experiments.
Controlled Breeding Experiments :
They are carried out using artificial insemination and multiple ovulation and embryo transfer technology (MOET).
Artificial insemination (Al) is the technique in which semen is collected from superior bulls and introduced into the famale reproductive tract when the female is in ‘heat’. This semen can be used immediately or can be frozen and used at a later period. It can be transported in a forzen form to the place where a female is housed. In this way desirable crosses can be made. The major advantage of Al over natural mating is that it permits the dairy farmer to use top proven sires (males) for genetic improvement of his herd and control of venereal diseases. Al is also tremendous value in making optimal use of different sires and enables dairy farmer to breed individual cows to selected sires according to their breeding goals.
The breeding centre at SALON in Rae Bareli is at present the breeder and producer of top quality frozen semen of pure exotic breeds.
Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer (MOET) :
The following are the steps invovled in MOET.
- A cow is administered hormones, with FSH-like activity.
- This induces follicular maturation and super ovulation (In super ovulation-instead of one egg, which they normally produce per cycle, they produce 6-8 eggs).
- The animal (cow) is either mated with an elite bull or artificially inseminated.
- The embroys are at 8-32 celled stages are recovered non-surgically and transferred to surrogate mother (an animal that develops the offspring of another animal in its womb).
Now the genetic mother is ready for another round of super ovulation.
Question 6.
Explain the important components of poultry management.
Important Components of Poultry Management:
1) Selection of disease free and suitable breeds :
The selected breed should get acclimatised to a wide range of climatic conditions. Hybrid layers used in India are BV-300, Hyline, Poona pearls, etc. Commercial broiler strains used in India include Hubbard, Vencobb, etc.
2) Feed management (proper feed and water) :
Balanced diet is a must to maximise the yield. Brooder / chick mash, grower mash, prelayer mash and layer mash are fed to layers at different ages. Likewise pre starter mash, starter mash and finish mash are the feed given to broilers. ‘Safe water’ should be supplied through waterers at all times.
3) Health care :
Vaccination against viral diseases (Ranikhet, Marek’s, and Gumboro) and using antibiotics to treat bacterial diseases {Fowl cholera, Infectious coryza, Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD)} make the poultry birds disease free. Fungal diseases affecting poultry are Brooder’s pneumonia. Aflatoxicosis and Thrush.
4) In addition to the above, hygiene, proper and safe farm conditions ensure better produce.
Question 7.
Discuss in brief about ‘Avian Flu’. [March 2020]
AVIAN FLU (BIRD FLU) is an important disease affecting poultry birds and man has to be very watchful about this disease as it is very dangerous to him too. Causative organism : Bird flu is caused by an ‘avian flu virus’, the H5N1. The virus that causes the bird infection infects human too. It can start a worldwide epidemic (Pandemic disease).
Mode of infection : Infection may be spread simply by touching contaminated surfaces. Birds infected by this type of influenza, continue to release the virus as in their faeces and saliva for as long as 10 days.
Symptoms :
Infection by the avian influenza virus H5N1 in humans causes typical flu-like symptoms, which might include : cough (dry or with phlegm), diarrhoea, difficulty in breathing, fever, headache, malaise, muscle aches and sore throat.
- Avoiding consumption of undercooked chicken meat reduces the risk of exposure to avian flu.
- People who work with birds should use protective clothing and special breathing masks.
- Complete culling of infected flock by burying or burning them.
Question 8.
Explain in brief about queen bee. [May/June 2014]
It is the individual in the colony; It is a fertile, diploid female, one per bee hive and the egg layer of the colony. She lives for about five years and her only function is to lay eggs. The queen bee during its nuptial flight receives sperms from a drone and stores in the spermatecae and lays two types of eggs, the fertilised and unfertilised. All fertilised eggs develop into females. All the larvae developing from the fertilised eggs are fed with the royal jelly (vitamin and nutrient rich secretion from the glands in the hypopharynx of the nurse workers) for the first 4 days only. Afterwards royal jelly is fed only to the bee that is bound to develop into next queen, whereas the other larvae fed on bee bread (honey and pollen) become workers (sterile females).
Question 9.
Honey bees are economically important-justify.
Economic importance of Honey bees; The bee products like Honey, wax, propolis and bee venom are used in various ways.
- Honey is a rich source of fructose, water, glucose, minerals and vitamins.
- Bee’s wax is used in the preparation of cosmetics, polishes of various kinds and candles.
- Propolis is used in the treament of inflammation and superficial burns.
- Bee’s venom, which is extracted from the sting of worker bees, is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
- Pollination : Bees are the pollinators of our crop plants such as sunflower, brassica, apple and pear.
Question 10.
What are the various factors required for bee keeping?
Factors / requirements for successful Beekeeping :
- Knowledge of nature and habits of honey bees.
- Selection of suitable location (termed Apiary or Bee yard) for keeping the beehives.
- Raising a hive with the help of a queen and small group of worker bees.
- Management of beehives during different seasons.
- Handling and collection of honey and bee wax.
Question 11.
Fisheries have carved a niche in Indian economy-explain.
Economic Importance of Fishery :
1. As Food :
Fish meat, in general, is a good source of proteins, vitamins (A and D), minerals and rich in iodine. Tunas, shrimps and crabs are not only edible but have export value also.
2. By-products:
A) Shark and cod liver oils are good sources of vitamins A and D. Oil from Sardine and Salmon are good sources of omega 3 fatty acids, which have multiple functions (reduce cholesterol, help prevent cancer cell growth etc.)
B) Fish guano : Fertilizer prepared from ‘scrap fish’.
C) Other fish by-products are shagreen, Isinglass (substance obtained from dried swim bladders of mostly cat fish, used in clarification of wines) etc.
Fisheries have carved a niche in the Indian economy. We now talk about ‘Blue Revolution’ as being implemented on lines similar to ‘Green Revolution’.
In addition to pisciculture, the culture of prawns, crabs and pear! oysters enable us earn foreign exchange worth millions of dollars from their exports.
Question 12.
Explain in brief structure of Insulin. [March 2015 (A.P.)]
Structure of insulin :
Human insulin is made up of 51 amino acids arranged in two polypeptide chains – chain A (21 amino acids) and chain B (30 amino acids), which are linked together by disulphide linkages. In mammals, including humans, insulin is synthesised as a prohormone (like a pro-enzyme, which needs to be processed before it becomes fully mature and functional hormone) which contains an extra stretch called the c peptide. This c peptide is not present in the mature insulin and is removed during maturation into insulin.
The main challenge for the production of insulin in the laboratory using rDNA technique was getting insulin assembled into its mature form.
Question 13.
Define vaccine and discuss about types of vaccines.
Vaccines :
The term ‘vaccine’ was coined by Edward Jenner. He immunised a boy against small pox by inoculating him with a relatively less dangerous cow pox virus. The technique of attenuating or weakening of a microbe was developed by Pasteur.
A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine typically contains the disease causing microorganism and is often made from weakened of killed forms of the microbe. The toxins or one of the surface proteins of the microorganisms are also used in preparing vaccines.
The following are some important Biotechnologically produced vaccines.
1. Attenuated Whole Agent Vaccines :
They contain disabled (made iess virulent) live microorganisms. Mostly they are antiviral. Examples: Vaccines against yellow fever, measles, rubella, and mumps and the bacterial disease such as typhoid.
2. Inactivated Whole Agent Vaccines :
They contain “killed microbes’ (virulent before killing). Examples : Vaccines against influenza, cholera, bubonic plague, polio, hepatitis A, rabies and Sabin’s oral polio vaccine.
3. Toxoids :
They contain ‘toxoids’ which are inactivated ‘exotoxins’ of certain microbes. Examples : The vaccines against Diphtheria and Tetanus.
Thus, vaccines are used in the prevention of diseases as they induce artificially acquired active immunity.
Question 14.
Write in brief the types of gene therapy.
Gene therapy is the insertion of genes into an individual’s cells and tissues to treat a disease such as a heriditary disease in which a deleterious mutant allele is replaced with a functional one.
Types of Gene Therapy :
Two basic types of gene therapy can be applied to humans, germ line and somatic line.
Germ line gene therapy :
In this type of therapy, functional genes (normal genes) are introduced into sperms or ova and are thus integrated into their genomes. Therefore the change or modification becomes heritable. Due to various technical and ethical reasons, the germ line gene therapy remained at the ‘infant stage’ for the time being.
Somatic line therapy :
In this type of therapy, functional genes are introduced into somatic cells of a patient. The approach is to correct a disease phenotype by treating some somatic cells in the affected person. The changes effected in this type of GT are non-heritable.
Somatic line therapy can be either ex-vivo or in vivo. In ex-vivo, cells are modified outside the body and then transplanted back. In in-vivo, genes are changed in cells, while they are still inside the body.
Question 15.
List out any four salient features of cancer cells.
Salient features of Cancer cells :
- These cells are characterised by indefinite growth.
- These cells are without contact inhibition.
- Divide eratically, with increased cell division rate.
- These cells are characterised by evading apoptosis (no death).
- These cells are with mutated genes.
- These cells are atypical of parent autonomous and aggressive.
- Antigens on the surface are abnormal.
- These are with unusual number of chromosomes.
- These cells are spherical due to less number of microfilaments.
- The cells detach and exhibit metastasis as cadherins either partly or entirely missing.
- Unlimited growth potential due to over abundance of telomerase, enzyme. [Note : You can select any 4 salient features from the given 11 points.]
Question 16.
Explain the different types of cancers. [Mar. ’18(A.P.); Mar. ’15 (T.S.); Mar. ’14]
Types of cancers :
There are different types of cancers such as carcinomas (cancers of epithelial tissues / cells which are most common as epithelial cells divide more often), sarcomas (cancers of connective tissues), leukemias (cancers of bone marrow cells resulting in understrained production of WBC – a liquid tumor), lymphomas (cancers of the lymphatic system). Certain types of cancers are called ‘familial cancers’ (cancer that occurs in families; genetic based) and others ‘sporadic cancers’ (non-hereditary cancers occurring without any family history). Some types of cancers are caused by ‘tumor forming RNA viruses’ (oncoviruses), e.g. Rous sarcoma virus which causes ‘avian sarcoma’.
Question 17.
Write about the procedure involved in MRI. [Mar. 2017, May ’17 (A.P.)]
MRI scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a diagnostic Radiology Technique. MRI is a non invasive medical imaging technique that helps physicians diagnose certain anatomical abnormalities or pathological conditions.
MRI scanner and procedure :
MRI scanner is a giant circular magnetic tube. The patient is placed on a movable bed that is inserted into the magnet. Human body is mainly composed of water molecules which contain two hydrogen nuclei /protons, each. The magnet creates a strong ‘magnetic field’ that makes these protons align with the direction of the magnetic field (protons are not aligned under normal conditions). A second radiofrequency electromagnetic field is then turned on for a ‘brief period’. The ‘protons’ absorb some energy from these ‘radio waves’. When this ‘second radio frequency emitting field’ is turned off, the protons release energy at a radiofrequency which can be detected by the MRI scanner (the protons return to their ‘equilibrium state’ from the ‘energized state’ at different ‘relaxation’ rates).
Question 18.
Write briefly about different waves and intervals in an ECG. [March 2019]
Waves :
The waves in a normal record are named: P, Q, R, S, and T, in that order. A typical ECG tracing of a normal heartbeat (or cardiac cycle) consists of I. a ‘P’ wave, II. a ‘QRS complex’ of ‘waves’, III. a T wave.
P wave :
It represents the ‘atrial depolarization or atrial systole’. P wave shows that the impulse is passing through the atria. The normal duration of a P wave is -0.1 sec.
QRS complex of ‘waves’:
(Ventricular depolarization / ventricular systole) i) Q wave is a small negative wave, ii) R wave is a tall positive wave, iii) S wave is a negative wave. The normal duration of QRS complex of waves is about 0.08 – 0.1 sec.
T wave is a positive wave. It represents the ventricular repolarisation. Its duration is 0.2 sec.
- P-R interval is the interval between the onset of P wave and the onset of Q wave. P-R interval is normally 0.12 – 02 sec.
- Q-T interval is the interval between the onset of Q wave and the end of the T wave. It represents the electrical activity in the muscle of the ventricles (ventricular depolarisation). ‘QT Interval’ is dependent on the ‘heart rate’ (the ‘faster’ the ‘heart rate’ – the ‘shorter’ the interval). It lasts for about 0.4 sec.
- R-R interval signifies the duration of one ‘cardiac cycle’ and it lasts for about 0. 8 sec. (60/72 = 0.8 sec.).
Question 19.
Discuss briefly the process of indirect ELISA.
Indirect ELISA :
It is used to detect antibodies. The blood of the person undergoing the ‘assay’ (for example the HIV test) is allowed to clot and the cells are centrifuged out to obtain the clear serum with antibodies (called primary antibodies).
- It is used to detect antibodies.
- A known ‘antigen’ is added to the ‘well’ (adsorbed).
- Patient’s antiserum (serum with specific antibodies) is added.
- The ‘antibodies’ in the patient’s ‘antiserum’ (primary / complementary antibodies) bind to the antigens coated on the surface of the ‘well’.
- Enzyme linked antihuman serum globulins (anti HISGs) are added. They bind to the antibody which is already bound to the antigen.
- Enzyme’s substrate is added and the reaction produces a visible colour change which can be measured by a spectrophotometer.
Question 20.
Write short note on EEG.
Electroencephalography is the process of recording the electrical activity of the brain (graphical recording called electroencephalogram) with the help of an EEG machine and some ‘electrodes’ placed all over the scalp. Electro¬encephalograph is a very useful tool in diagnosing neurological and sleep disorders. The changed EEG patterns in the case of ‘epilepsy’ are conveniently studied with the help of an EEG. Brain shows continuous electrical activity of innumerable neurons.
The intensity and pattern of electrical activity depends on wakefulness, sleep, coma, certain pathological and phychological conditions. The main diagnostic application of EEG in neurological studies is the diagnosis of epilepsy (seizures). EEG shows distinct abnormal pattern in the case of epilepsy. EEG is also useful in the diagnosis of ‘coma’ and ‘brain death’. EEG studies are useful in analyzing sleep disorders (such as insomnia).
Waves of EEG :
The waves recorded by an EEG consist of
- Synchronized waves which are common in normal healthy people and
- In certain neurological conditions the waves are desynchronized (irregular wave pattern). The wave pattern can be broadly classified into ALPHA, BETA, THETA and DELTA wave patterns. The nature of the waves depends on the intensity of activity of the different parts of the cerebral cortex.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Write in detail about out breeding.
Out breeding :
Out-breeding is the breeding of the unrelated animals; it is the cross between different breeds. Out-breeding is of three types
- Out-crossing
- Cross-breeding
- Interspecific hybridisation.
1. Out-crossing :
It is the practice of mating of animals within the same breed, but having no common ancestors on either side of the pedigree for 4-6 generations. The offspring of such a matting is known as an out-cross. It is the best breeding method for animals that are below average in milk production, growth rate (in beef cattle) etc. At times a single out-cross often helps to overcome inbreeding depression.
2. Cross-breeding :
In this method, superior males of one breed are mated with superior females of another breed. The offspring of such a mating is said to be a cross-breed. Cross-breeding allows the desirable qualities of two different breeds to be combined. The progeny (cross breeds) are not only used for commercial production but also inbreeding and selection to develoop stable breeds which may be superior to existing breeds. For example, Hisardale is a new breed of sheep developed in Punjab by crossing ‘Bikaneri ewes’ and ‘Marino rams’.
3. Interspecific hybridisation :
In this method, male and female animals of two different related species are mated. The progeny may combine desirable features of both the parents and is different from both the parents. For example when a male donkey (jack / ass) is crossed with a female horse (mare), it leads to the production of a mule (sterile). Similarly when a male horse (stallion) is crossed with a female donkey (jennet), hinny (sterile) is produced. Mules have considerable economic value.
Jack / ass X mare = mule; Stallion X Jenne thinny.
Question 2.
Explain in detail clinical inferences from ECG.
ECG may mean electrocardiogram / electrocardiograph, but most commonly used for electrocardiogram. Electrocardiography is a commonly used, non-invasive procedure for recording electrical changes in the heart. The graphic record, which is called an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), shows the series of waves that relate to the electrical impulses which occur during each cardiac cycle. An electrocardiograph is a device which records the electrical activity of the heart muscle (depolarisations and repolarisations).
What is electrocardiography?
Electrocardiography is the technique by which the electrical activities of the heart are studied. Sensors (electrodes) are placed at specific parts of the body and linked to the ECG machine. ECG is recorded using 12 ‘LEADS’ (sensors from limbs and chest). Obtaining an electrocardiogram typically takes a few minutes, after which the electrodes are removed.
Clinical Inferences from ECG :
- Enlarged P wave, indicates enlarged atria.
- Variations in the duration, amplitude and morphology of the QRS complex indicate disorders such as bundle branch block (block of conduction of impulses through the branches of the bundle of His).
- If the duration of the P-R interval is prolonged, it indicates delay in conduction of impulses from S-A node (pace maker) to the A-V node. P-R interval is prolonged in ‘bradycardia’ (slow beating of the heart) and shortened in ‘tachycardia’ (fast beating of the heart).
- Prolonged Q-Tinterval indicates myocardial infarction (Ml) and hypothyroidism. Shortened Q-T interval indicates ‘hypercalcemia’.
- Elevated S-Tsegment indicates myocardial infarction.
- Tall T wave indicates hyperkalemia; small, flat or inverted T wave indicates hypokalemia.