TS Inter 1st Year Ethics and Human Values Study Material Chapter 5 Environmental Concerns

Telangana TSBIEĀ TS Inter 1st Year Ethics and Human Values Study Material 5th Lesson Environmental Concerns Textbook Questions and Answers.

TS Inter 1st Year Ethics and Human Values Study Material 5th Lesson Environmental Concerns

Question 1.
Discuss the importance of natural resources like land, trees, air, water and animals and why we should have respect for the natural environment.
Natural resources are a) Land b) Trees c) Air d) Water e) Animals.

Land :
Land resources refer to the upper crust or earth’s terristrial surface. It is the original and indestructible power of the soil. According to the Indian tradition land is treated as mother Goddess “Bhoomatha”. This refers to theimportance of land and utmost care we have to take to protect the land just like our mother.

Trees :
Trees form an integral part of the environment. They replenish the air we breathe. Birds providing shelter, they are the main source of fuel. Trees play an important role in the reduction of soil erosion.

Trees release moisture during transpiration thus resulting in rains. Trees cool the environment through water evaporation. Trees cycle water up form the soil and back into the air. In Indian tradition, Tree is a worshipped as the Goddess called “Vanadevatha”.

Air :
All living organisms on the earth need air to live. This air is a life standing factor. It is an inexhaustible natural resource that contains a mixture of gases such as Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbondioxide and other minute gases.

Water :
We all know that water is essential for life. About 71% of the earth’s surface is concerned with water. India has rich water bodies like rivers, ponds, lakes etc, with such abundent sources of water around still we are falling lot of water problem. This is due to careless usage of water and negligence towards conservation. In Indian tradition water is treated as the Goddess “Ganga Matha”.

Animals :
Animals, irrespective of their sizes and shapes, also form as important component of our environment. Eco system cannot function without the activity of the animals. Domestic animals like cows and goats this source of nutritions food like milk and meat. Sheep are the source of wool.

In Indian tradition cow is worshipped as “Gomatha” Snake as “Naga Devatha”.

Respect for Natural Environment:

  1. According to the ancient Indian Philosophy, the universe is made up of five elements, they are : a) Bhumi [Earth], Jala [water], Agni [Fire], Vayu [Air] and Akasha [Space]. These five elements are called Panchabhutas.
  2. It is believed that the body of all animals and humans is composed of these elements and is essential that these elements should remain in balance.
  3. Imbalance these elements will result in natural disasters.
  4. Hence the Natural Environment should be respected and always kept in balance.
  5. Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tsunamis, Forest fires are resultant disasters due to the deviation from the ecological balance.
  6. Thus we are exhorted to worship the natural resources and animals as the representative of God.
  7. There is a Scientific bases for such a belief.
  8. It is only by developing respect for our environment, we can maintain ecological balance and biodiversity.

TS Inter 1st Year Ethics and Human Values Study Material Chapter 5 Environmental Concerns

Question 2.
Describe some unethical practices which have led to the degradation of natural resources.
A) Depletion of Natural Resources:

  1. Depletion is the use of natural resources faster than it is replenished.
  2. Human beings are exploiting natural resources ruthlessly for their own benefit.
  3. They are not bothered about the effects of the depletion of natural resources on future generations.

B) Soil Erosion :

  1. Erosion is the process by which soil and rocks are removed from the earth’s surface, wind or water flow and then transported and deposited in other locations.
  2. While erosion is a natural process, human activities have increased the rate of erosion by 10 to 40 times.
  3. Excessive erosion causes problems such as desertification, decrease in agricultural productivity due to land degradation, sedimentation of water ways and ecological collapse due to loss of nutrient rich upper soil layers.

c) Deforestation:

  1. Deforestation occurs when humans clear or remove large areas of forest lands.
  2. Deforestation occurs for many reasons. Trees are cut down to be used or sold as fuel or timber, while cleared land is used as pasture for livestock, plantations of commodities and settlements.
  3. The removed of trees without sufficient reforestation has resulted in damage to habitat, biodiversity loss and aridity.
  4. Lack of forest management and deficient environment laws are some of the factors that allow deforestation to occur on a large scale.

C) Mining:

  1. Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth.
  2. Mining of stone and metal has been carried out of since pre-historic times.
  3. Modern mining processes involve prospecting for ore bodies, analysis of profit potential of proposed mine, extraction of the desired materials and final reclamation of the land after mine is closed.
  4. The environmental impact of mining include erosion, loss of biodiversity and contamination of soil, ground water and surface water by chemicals from mining processes.
  5. Besides environmental damage, the contamination resulting from leakage of chemicals also affects the health of local population.

D) Pollution:

  1. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change.
  2. Pollution can take the form of chemical substance or energy, such as noise, heat or light.
  3. Pollutants, the components of pollution can be either foreign substances, energies or naturally occuring contaminants.
  4. Pollution takes place in various forms such as Air pollution, Water pollution, Sound pollution, Soil pollution.

E) Air Pollution:

  1. The main source of air pollution is the chemicals that are released in air by large industries while burning fossil fuels for the production of energy.
  2. Chemical compounds like oxides of nitrogen and sulphur are released into air where they remain suspended for a long time.
  3. The inhalation of polluted air causes various respiratory problems and also contributes to diseases like lung cancer.
  4. Further, the use of CFCs has led to the depletion of the ozone layer in the stratosphere.
  5. The Ozone layer offers a protective shield to living organisms on earth as it blocks the harmful effects of the ultra violet rays of the sun.

F) Water Pollution :

  1. The main cause of the contamination of water is the release of effluents by industries into rivers, lakes.
  2. The discharge of effluents in rivers by tannerie’s and textile mills has polluted the Ganges.
  3. The Clean Ganga Project is one of the election promises made by the Modi Government.
  4. Citizens can do their bit for cleaner water bodies by bathing, washing clothes in them.
  5. Drinking of water which is contaminated can cause irreparable damage to health, including stomach and liver problems, besides neurological problems.

G) Noise Pollution:

  1. Excessive noise in the environment is not just an irritant but can cause immense neurological damage to humans as well as animals.
  2. The chief sources of noise pollution are heavy machinery, vehicles playing on roads as well as aeroplanes, and burning of crackers.
  3. Hearing loss, increase in blood pressure, migraine attacks and neurological damage are some of the effects of noise pollution.

TS Inter 1st Year Ethics and Human Values Study Material Chapter 5 Environmental Concerns

Question 3.
Describe some measures to check soil erosion and deforestation.
Measures to prevent Soil Erosion :

  1. Plants slow down the rain water as it flows over the land and this allows much of the rain to soak into the ground.
  2. Plant roots hold the soil in position and prevent if from being washed away.
  3. Plants break the impact of the rain before it hits soil, thus reducing, it’s ability to erode the soil.
  4. Plants in wetlands and on the banks of the rivers are of particular importance as they slowdown of the water and their roots bind the soil, thus preventing erosion.

Prevention of Soil Erosion :

  1. Use of contour ploughing and windbreaks.
  2. Organic matter binds the soil particles together and plays an important part is preventing erosion.
  3. Avoiding overgrazing and over use of crop lands.
  4. Encouraging biological diversity by planting severed different types of plants together.
  5. Conservation of wet lands.
  6. Intensive cropping and use of proper drainage canals.
  7. Terracing the sloping fields as their retards the speed of the flowing water.
  8. Planting trees and sowing different kinds of grasses.
  9. Carrying out extensive afforestation practices.

Control of Deforestation :

  1. If at all deforestation is inevitable, elsewhere reforestation should be taken up.
  2. If one tree is cut two should be planted.
  3. New methods of cultivation towards high-yields in small areas should be developed.
  4. Good forest management techniques should be incorporated.
  5. Rewards should be announced to those who take measures to conserve trees.
  6. Forests should be kept under the care of strict and non corrupt officers.

TS Inter 1st Year Ethics and Human Values Study Material Chapter 5 Environmental Concerns

Question 4.
Write short notes of about 50 words each of the following.
a) Pollution
b) Use of plastics in daily life
c) Pesticides and Alternatives
d) Eco-Clubs.
a) Pollution:

  1. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse effect.
  2. The components of pollution are known as pollutants.
  3. Pollution takes place in various forms such as Air pollution, Water pollution, Sound pollution, Soil pollution.
  4. Pollution causes great harm to the environment.
  5. Ozone layer is debited to a larger extent due to the harmful pollutants like CFC, aerosols etc. The inhelation of polluted air causes serious respiratory problems.
  6. The contamination of water due to release of effluents by industries air hazardous to health.
  7. Soil pollution spoils the vegetation which causes heavy loss to environment.
  8. Exessive noise in the environment is not just an iritant but also cause neurological damage.

b) Use of Plastic in daily life:

  1. Plastics are polymers of high molecular weight.
  2. Plastic is one of the chemical materials that poses serious environmental problems.
  3. Polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene are largely used in the manufacture of plastics.
  4. Plastic is non-bio degradable and thus it remains in the environment for decades.
  5. We can use cloth bags instead of plastic bags. Recycling and re-using are best practices to reduce plastics.

c) Pesticides and Alternatives:

  1. A pesticide is any substance that is used to kill or control any form of plant or animal that is considered to be pests.
  2. Pesticides include herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, disin-fectants.
  3. Due to the over usage of pesticides, which are nothing but the chemicals, there are entering into human or animals through diets that causes ill-health.
  4. Studies have shown that farmers who used insecticides experienced headache, fatigue, dizziness and other neuro-logical problems.
  5. Using biotic pest controls such as microbial pesticides.
  6. Implemations genetic engineering methods, Applying composted waste, following corprotation method, are alternative to pesticides.

d) Eco-Clubs :

  1. Eco-clubs play an important role in creating environmental awareness amongst the future generations.
  2. Some of the activities that are suggested for Eco-clubs are
    a) Organise seminars, debates and lectures on environmental issues in the institution.
    b) Compaign against plastic carry bags.
    c) Organise rallies, marches, human chains with view to spread environmental awareness.
    d) Maintaining of public places like parks and gardens both within and outside the college campus.
    e) Other innovative programmes on environmental issues like biodiversity.

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