Telangana TSBIE TS Inter 1st Year English Study Material Grammar Parts of Speech Exercise Questions and Answers.
TS Inter 1st Year English Grammar Parts of Speech
Q.No. 9 (8 × 1/2 = 4 Marks)
In our conversation we use different words. Each word has a specific function. The words are divided into various classes, according to their use. All the words in English can be classified into eight classes which are called parts of speech. They are:
- Noun
- Pronoun
- Adjective
- Preposition
- Verb
- Adverb
- Conjunction
- Interjection.
A noun is a naming word.
e.g. : boy, tree, king, Hyderabad, rose, happiness, etc.
Kinds of nouns : Nouns are divided into four kinds. They are :
1. Proper Nouns : A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, river, country, mountain, etc.
Kumar (person), Delhi (place), Godavari (river), Sri Lanka (country), Vmdhyas (mountains)
2. Common Nouns : A common noun refers to a kind or class of things.
e g. : tiger, sugar, wall, bag, building, etc.
Common Nouns are again classified into countable nouns and uncountable nouns.
Countable Nouns : These can be counted.
Eg : boys (ten boys), flowers (three flowers, etc.)
Uncountable Nouns : These cannot be counted. They remain in mass, e.g. : Copper, rice, water.
3. Collective Nouns : They are the groups of the same class.
e.g. : crowd, herd, government, army, family, parliament, etc.
4. Abstract Nouns : They are the names of quality or state.
e.g. : Kindness, childhood, youth, fear, etc.
A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.
e.g. : he, she, it, we, mine, those, etc.
Personal pronouns : I, me, you, he him, etc.
Reflexive pronouns : myself, herself, himself, themselves, itself, etc.
An adjective is a qualify defining word.
e.g. : beautiful (Mar. ’19), clever, neat, enough, red, pure, etc.
Kinds of Adjectives :
- Adjectives of Quality : honest, good, clever, etc.
- Adjectives of Quantity : little, some, all, no, half, etc.
- Adjectives of Number : five, few, second, most, etc.
- Demonstrative Adjectives : this, these, those, such, etc.
- Interrogative Adjectives : what, which, whose, etc.
A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else.
Kinds of Prepositions :
- Simple Prepositions : to, up, with, at, by, from, in, of (Mar. ’19)) off, etc.
- Compound Prepositions : across, above, beyond, underneath, without, etc.
- Phrase Prepositions : jn front of, by means of, with regard to, in favour of, etc.
A verb shows action, state, possession, change in state.
e.g. : laugh, say, sing, gather, kill, etc.
Kinds of verbs :
- Transitive Verb : It has an object.
e.g. : The boys are playing football.
I have done my homework. - Intransitive Verb : It has no object.
e.g. : She sleeps.
The moon shines.
Ants fight.
An Adverb modifies the meaning of a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
e.g. : She writes neatly.
Kinds of Adverbs :
- Adverbs of Time : before, now, yesterday, never, etc.
- Adverbs of Frequency : again, twice, always, seldom, etc.
- Adverbs of Place : out, near, here, there, etc.
- Adverbs of Manner : well, thus, sadly, so, etc.
- Adverbs of Degree : too, almost, better, clever, partly, fully, etc.
- Adverbs of Reason : hence, so, therefore, etc.
A joining word is a conjunction.
e.g. : and; or; but; if
Kinds of Conjuctions :
- Correlative Conjunctions : both … and, not only … but also, either … or, neither … nor, etc.
- Compound Conjunctions : even if, so that, as well as, etc.
- Subordinating Conjunctions : after, because, if, unless, as, when, while, etc.
The words which express sudden feeling or emotion are Interjections.
e.g. : Oh ! Hurrah ! Alas ! Hello ! Ooch ! Hey !, etc.
Sing a song about the parts of speech in English.
A noun is the name of a thing.
As a school, a garden, a kite, or a king;
Adjectives tell the kind of noun,
As great, small, pretty, white, or brown;
Instead of nouns the pronouns stand,
He, she, it, I, you, we, they-all in hand;
Verbs tell us of something being done,
To read, count, laugh, cry, or run;
How things are done the adverbs tell,
As slowly, quickly, very, or well;
Conjunctions join the words together,
As men and women, wind and weather,
The preposition stands before Ac noun, as in near or through a door;
The interjection shows surprise,
As-Oh ! Ow ! Aha ! Ah ! How wise !
These are the eight parts of English speech,
Which reading, writing, speaking teach.
Remember that the part of speech of a given word is decided by the part that word plays in a sentence. The same word may function in various ways in different sentences. Look at the examples Carefully.
a. We water plants regularly, (water – verb – నీరు పోయుట)
water is precious, (water – noun – నీరు)
b. There is a man waiting for you. (man – noun)
Two persons man our gates round the clock, (man – కాపలకాయుట – v)
c. He is a fast bowler, (fast – adjective – వేగ)
She drives cars very fast. (fast – adverb వేగంగా )
d. Heat expand metals, (heat = $» – i5& – noun)
Don’t heat it. It gets damaged (heat = i§&i5cfto – verb)
e. Hard work always pays, (hard = కష్ట – adjective)
She works very hard. (hard = £కష్టపడి – adverb)
I. Read the following passage and identify the part of speech of the each underlined word.
There was a farmer (1) who grew (2) superior (3) quality rice. Every year, his rice won prizes in the state competition (4). Once a newspaper reporter interviewed (5) him and discovered that the farmer shared his seed rice with his neighbours (6). “How can you afford to share your best seed rice with (7) your neighbors when they are entering their own produce (8) in competition with yours, each year ?” The reporter asked. The farmer replied, “Didn’t you know ? The wind (9) picks up pollen grains from (10) the ripening paddy and swirls (11) it from field to field. If my neighbors grow inferior, substandard and poor (12) quality rice, cross-pollination will steadily (13) degrade the quality (14) of my produce. If I have to grow good rice I must help (15) my neighbors to grow good rice.”
1) farmer n noun
2) grew n verb
3) superior n adjective
4) competition n noun
5) interviewed n verb
6) neighbours n noun
7) with n preposition
8) produce n noun
9) wind n noun
10) from n preposition
11) swirls n verb
12) poor n adjective
13) steadily n adverb
14) quality n noun
15) help n verb
II. Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words.
1. Hyderabad is a historical city.
2. Children are a source of joy to the parents.
3. Honesty is the best policy.
4. We learn many firings through observation.
5. Since it was raining, he took an umbrella with him.
6. Alas ! Abdul Kalam is dead.
7. They themselves interfered in the dispute.
8. The boy ran into the park joyfully.
9. Music draws the attention of everyone.
10. Cricket match is watched by lakhs of people.
1) adjective
2) noun
3) noun
4) verb
5) since n conjunction; with n preposition
6) interjection
7) pronoun
8) adverb
9) pronoun
10) noun
III. Identify the part of speech of the bold words in the following sentences.
1. Several writers wrote about education.
2. The hungry dogs are howling.
3. People eat vegetables across the world.
4. An idea can change a life.
5. Food is a necessity for life.
6. I invited him to the party.
7. She is interested in painting.
8. He completed the whole work successfully.
9. The woman beside David is my cousin.
10. She has two children.
11. Treatment heals wounds.
12. Ah ! don’t say you don’t agree with me.
13. Since he was tired, he went to bed early.
14. I love singing because it is interesting.
15. I can’t be at ease until I wash my face.
16. Eureka ! I got it.
17. I like salt and pepper. ,
18. Have you passed ? Congratulations !
19. Make hay while the sun shines.
20. Wake up early so that you can study.
1) several – adjective ; about – preposition
2) hungry – adjective
3) vegetables – noun ; world – noun
4) an – adjective (article, determiner)
5) food – noun ; life – noun
6) him – pronoun
7) interested – adjective
8) whole – adjective
9) beside – preposition
10) two – adjective (numeral)
11) treatment – noun ; wounds – noun
12) Ah ! – interjection
13) since – conjunction
14) because – conjunction
15) until – conjunction
16) Eureka ! – interjection
17) and – conjunction
18) Congratulations ! – noun
19) while – conjunction
20) early – adverb
IV. Identify the part of speech of the following underlined words.
Two Sides of Life
Question 1.
It is a very (1) bad habit (2) to get into (3), that of being continually (4) moody (5) and discouraged, and (6) of (7) making the atmosphere (8) uncomfortable for everybody who comes (9) within ten (10) feet of you.
1) very n adverb
2) habit n noun
3) into – preposition
4) continually – adverb
5) moody – adjective
6) and – conjunction
7) of – preposition
8) atmosphere – noun
9) comes – verb
10) ten – adjective (numeral)
Father, Dear Father
Question 2.
Do you (1) think, literacy (2) is a harbinger (3) of restlessness, fear (4), frustration ? Is it (5) Adam (6) and (7) Eve eating the Tree (8) of (9) knowledge, all (10) over again ?
1) you – pronoun
2) literacy – noun
3) harbinger – noun
4) fear – noun
5) It – pronoun
6) Adam – noun
7) and – conjunction
8) tree – noun
9) of – preposition
10) all – adverb
Green Champion –
Question 3.
Although (1) Thimmakka did not receive (2) formal (3) education, her (4) work (5) has been honoured (6) with (7) the National (8) Citizen’s Award (9) of (10) India.
1) although – conjunction
2) receive – verb
3) formal – adjective
4) her – possessive pronoun (adjective)
5) work – noun
6) honoured – verb
7) with – preposition
8) national – adjective
9) award – noun
10) of – preposition
The First Four Minutes
Question 4.
I had (1) a moment (2) of (3) mixed joy (4) and anguish, when (5) my mind (6) took over. It (7) faced well (8) ahead of mu body and (9) drew mu body compellingly (10) forward.
1) had – verb
2) moment – noun
3) of – preposition
4) joy – noun
5) when – pronoun
6) mind – noun
7) it – pronoun
8) well – adverb
9) and – conjunction
10) compelling – adverb
Box and Cox
Question 5.
Box : Stop ! (1) Can you (2) inform (3) me who (4) the individual (5) is that I invariably (6) encounter (7) going downstairs when I’m coming up (8), and (9) coming upstairs (10) when I’m going down ?
1) stop – verb
2) you – pronoun
3) inform – verb
4) who – pronoun
5) individual – noun
6) invariably – adverb
7) encounter – verb
8) up – adverb
9) and – conjunction
10) upstairs – adverb
Question 6.
Ah (1), then you (2) mean to say that this (3) gentleman’s smoke (4), instead of emulating the example of all (5) other sorts of (6) smoke, and (7) going up the chimney, thinks (8) proper to affect a singularity (9) by taking the contrary (10) direction.
1) Ah – interjection
2) you – pronoun
3) this – adjective (determiner)
4) smoke – noun
5) all – adverb
6) of – preposition
7) and – conjunction
8) thinks – verb
9) singularity – noun
10) contrary – adjective
V. Identify the part of speech of the bold words in the following sentences.
1. What is the result of that kind of schooling ?
2. I cannot answer that question.
3. Each individual who wishes to succeed must get that kind of discipline.
4. Such persons are surely und esirable.
5. I asked my Biology teacher what I should do to save it.
6. From his talk it seems studies were an ancillary subject; and living and experiencing, the major subject.
7. And she was cross.
8. Papa, that’s what happens in my craft and drawing class.
9. Anyway, Papa, do you know where lost that quarter mark that brought about my fall ?
10. Thimmakka could not go to school due to poverty and lack of facilities.
11. The decision was mine alone.
12. The attempt was on.
13. My knowledge of pace deserted me
14. A voice shouting ‘Relax’ penetrated into me above the noise of the crowd.
15. There was no pain, only a great unity of movement and aim.
16. The world seemed to stand still or did not exist.
17. The noise in my ears was that of the faithful Oxford crowd.
18. There were only fifty yards more.
19. I felt like an exploded flashlight with no will to live.
20. Well wonders will never cease.
1) schooling – noun
2) answer – verb
3) wishes – verb
4) purely – adverb
5) what – pronoun
6) talk – noun; ancillary – adjective
7) and – conjunction
8) what – pronoun fall – noun
9) where – adverb; quarter – noun;
10) lack – noun
11) alone – adverb
12) attempt – noun
13) deserted – verb
14) above – preposition
15) only – adjective
16) still – adjective
17) that – pronoun
18) more – pronoun – determiner
19) will – noun
20) well – interjection