TS Inter 1st Year Ethics and Human Values Study Material Chapter 1 Ethics and Human Values

Telangana TSBIEĀ TS Inter 1st Year Ethics and Human Values Study Material 1st Lesson Ethics and Human Values Textbook Questions and Answers.

TS Inter 1st Year Ethics and Human Values Study Material 1st Lesson Ethics and Human Values

Question 1.
Give an account of nature, definition and scope of Ethics.
I. Nature of Ethics:

  1. This subject is meant for human beings.
  2. Human beings are able to Judge between right things and wrong things good and behaviour.
  3. Ethics is nothing but a science them an art.
  4. The moral behaviour and conduct of human beings is given by Ethics. So, this is systematic knowledge.
  5. Ethics creates particular rules of behaviour of Science.
  6. Ethics tell us what to do and what not to do.
  7. Ethics deals with general conditions involved in the rightness or goodness of conduct.

II. Definition:

  1. It is the study of what is right or good in conduct. The term Ethics is derived from the greek source “etos”. “Etos” means character, custom or habit.
  2. It is also the study of the habits and customs of men and the principles on which these habits and actions are based.
  3. Ethics is a study of rightness or wrongness of these principles and the good or evil of those habits.
  4. Ethics is general study of the ideal involved in human life.

Scopes of Ethics :

  1. It basically tells what is right or wrong.
  2. It is used to Judge whether a particular action is good or bad.
  3. It helps us in construction of a healthy society.
  4. It is the ethical spirit of individual is high, that pages the path for a happy life.
  5. Ethic helps the individual to work hard and find happiness in the work they are during.

TS Inter 1st Year Ethics and Human Values Study Material Chapter 1 Ethics and Human Values

Question 2.
‘Ethics is a subject which provides guiding principles rather than rules’. Do you think that the study of Ethics can make one a better person? Discuss.

  1. Ethics is characterised as a practical science though it is a fact that it concerned with action.
  2. But this may not be correct.
  3. Medicine, engineering, architecture are practical scientific studies.
  4. Where as Ethics is a theoritical study.
  5. Ethics study resembles Logic and Aesthetics.
  6. Logic deals with general conditions involved, in the discovery of truth.
  7. Where as Aesthetics deals with general conditions involved in the production of Beauty.
  8. Ethics deeds with general conditions involved in the rightness or goodness of conduct.
  9. So one who studies Ethics ought to have decipline in all fields.
  10. It is not true that the object of Aesthetics to qualify students to be artists or of Ethics to qualify them as saints.
  11. The students of Ethics will learn more from the saint than the latter will learn from him.
  12. So, it can be said that the object of those studies that are described as Normative is to supply a knowledge of guiding principles rather than to explain how they are to be applied.

Question 3.
Write short notes of about 50 words each of the following
a) Good behaviour
b) Character and conduct
c) Habit
d) Difference between good and bad.
a) Good behaviour:

  1. Good behaviour for any child should develop Inherently.
  2. You should discourage the children by imposing rules and regulations.
  3. They must learn how to behave in the society on their own.
  4. For this parents should give Independence to the children and at the same time you should watch them and help them where even they need help.
  5. It will be better that if the children takes his or her parents as role model it will give a good result.
  6. In colleges and schools the Principals and Head masters should displace Golden rules and they must also display the punishments for their wrong behaviour.
  7. In colleges and schools proper time must be allocated to discuss about conduct and behaviour.
  8. It is necessary to provide good environment for learning.
  9. Children should be taught to respect the elders. The teachers should tell the student how they used to respect their teachers and elders.

b) Character and Conduct:

  1. Character of a person is the system constituted by acts of will of a particular kind.
  2. In the point of view of Ethics character plays very important role.
  3. Aristotle said that the character of a person builds from his good habits.
  4. Good will is indeed, fhe expression of character, but it is the expression under the limitations of a particular time and space.
  5. The term conduct is some times used in a lose sense to include all sorts of vital activities.
  6. Meaningless acts are not be included in conduct.
  7. It seens best to confine the term conduct to these acts that are not merely adjusted to ends.


  1. Habit has already been to some extent indicated in connection with character.
  2. The main focus in moral life is the establishment of good habits.
  3. This view was put forward by Aristotle in opposition to the socratic doctrine the virtue is a kind of knowledge.
  4. Yet the two views are not so much opposed as might at first right appear.
  5. Virtue is a kind of knowledge, as well as a kind of habit.

Good and Bad:

  1. The difference between good and bad in natural that it does merit detailed explanation.
  2. We should assume that all adults, at least, know how to distinguish between good and bad.
  3. The difference between good and bad is the basic to all other discussions about the human value.
  4. The theory is a false theory of it could not recognize the difference between good and bad.
  5. Though it is all correct some minimum of general statements can be made about good and bad.

TS Inter 1st Year Ethics and Human Values Study Material Chapter 1 Ethics and Human Values

Question 4.
Write an essay about the need to respect elders in society.

  1. Every child should learn the basic lesson of respecting the elders.
  2. If a child puts a questions to us why should they respect elders we simply say “I am elder to you so you should they respect elders we simply say “I am elder to you so you should listen to me”. But you must explain to the children in a different way by giving examples.
  3. You can tell the child like this “Suppose you are travelling in a bus, by sitting comfortable in a seat, If any elder person is travelling in the same bus in standing position, you must sacrifise your seat to him.
  4. Actually the child should understand that he is not sacrifising rather you are investing respect now to insure respect in the same fashion to you in later age. The elder persons should explain them in this method.
  5. The children should understand the present stage of their life is already experienced by elders and they can take the guidance from them. As experts have a wealth of knowledge and experience we should learn from them and respect them.
  6. Our elders love us, we are the children whom the elders have raised selflessly. It is only fair that they have a say in our life. The least we can do is respect them.
  7. The sense of identity is given by our family tree. It tells us who we are, and how we became and what we are.
  8. Elders are those ones who teach the youngsters. What ever we learn in from them is passed to the children.
  9. Society is like a building. If the base is shaky the building will not survive.
  10. Our elders are the pillars of society and we should be greatful to them. A man is judged by his characters and it is moulded by the elders. They show us love by acts of kindness and care.
  11. Touching of feet of elders in India is not Just a rule, it is symbol of our love.
  12. Teenage is a period of confusion and tension. Elders can empathise with the conflicts and dilemmas of youngsters as they too has passed through a similar phase and they are well equipped to offer sound advise.

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