TS Inter 1st Year Environmental Education Study Material Chapter 18 Environmental Audit (E.A)

Telangana TSBIEĀ TS Inter 1st Year Environmental Education Study Material 18th Lesson Environmental Audit (E.A) Textbook Questions and Answers.

TS Inter 1st Year Environmental Education Study Material 18th Environmental Audit (E.A)

Essay Questions

Question 1.
Write an essay on Environmental Audit.
An environment audit is an evaluation of an organization’s environmental controls conducted by an independent third party. It defines the inputs (raw materials, energy) and outputs (waste streams, products, emissions etc.) for the system. This mass balance approach allows the inefficiencies within the system that have environmental impact to be identified.

An environmental audit helps in pollution control, improved production, safety, health and conservation of natural resources. Hence its overall objective can be stated as achievement of sustainable development.

Types of Environmental Audit :
The following are various types of environmental audits practised,

  1. Waste audit
  2. Energy audit
  3. Health and safety audit
  4. Compliance audit
  5. Management
  6. Liabilities definition audit
  7. Property transfer audit.

TS Inter 1st Year Environmental Education Study Material Chapter 18 Environmental Audit (E.A)

1. Waste audit :
In a waste audit, quantities and types of wastes generated from different sources are identified and the optimum methods to minimize the quantities of wastes are evolved. Waste audit is a technical tool meant for waste reduction from all possible sources. It examines the waste generated by a facility with the objective of identifying viable actions to reuse, recycle or otherwise reduce the quality and toxicity of each waste stream.

2. Energy audit :
In an energy audit, the quantities and types of fuels consumed at different stages are identified and means to minimize consumption to eliminate the losses of fuels are suggested.

3. Health and Safety audit :
It is the collection of independent information on the efficiency, effectiveness and reliability of the total health and safety management system and drawing up plans for corrective action. A safety audit identifies different levels of risk in each work area of an organization. It ensures the continued welfare, health and safety of employees within an organization, via the systematic appraisal of on-site procedures and processes.

4. Compliance audit :
A compliance audit is a comprehensive review of an organization’s adherence to regulatory guidelines. The strength and thoroughness of compliance preparations are reviewed.

5. Management audit :
A management audit is an analysis and assessment of competencies and capabilities of a company’s management to carry out corporate objectives. The purpose of a management audit is not to appraise individual executive performance, but to evaluate the management team in its effectiveness to work in the interests of shareholders, maintain good relations with employees and uphold the reputation of the company.

TS Inter 1st Year Environmental Education Study Material Chapter 18 Environmental Audit (E.A)

6. Liabilities definition audit :
It is typically done for prospective buyers of real estate and for proposed mergers and acquisitions. Such audits identify the environmental problems that could reduce the value of a property or expose the buyer to liability.

7. Property Transfer Audit :
Transactions involving real property can convey to the buyer the liabilities associated with contamination present in the soil or groundwater. Lenders of loans, too, place their secured capital at risk if the collateralized property is contaminated.

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