Telangana TSBIE TS Inter 1st Year English Study Material Grammar Odd Sound Out Exercise Questions and Answers.
TS Inter 1st Year English Grammar Odd Sound Out
Q.No. 18 (4 × 1 = 4 Marks)
A set of three words are given. One or two letters which are common in all the three words are underlined. The underlined letter stands for one sound in two of the given words and for a different sound in the other word. The word with a different sound is to be written as the response.
The pronunciation of English words is quite tricky and confusing. Some vowels and consonants are pronounced differently in different places. Learning all these varieties is necessary to master pronunciation. It is possible only with practice.
Look at the following words. Circle the word that sounds different with regards to the sound of the bold letters.
Circle the words that sound different with regard to the sound of the bold letters.
Exercise -1
Exercise – 2
Exercise – 3
Exercise – 4
Exercise – 5
Exercise – 6
Exercise – 7
Exercise – 8
Exercise – 9
Exercise – 10