Telangana TSBIE TS Inter 1st Year English Study Material Grammar Matching Meanings Exercise Questions and Answers.
TS Inter 1st Year English Grammar Matching Meanings
Learning means skill that improves comprehension and communication fast.
While looking up the the word in a dictionary for its accurate meaning is the best possible way, doing so is not always possible.
It is sometimes possible to ‘guess’ the meaning of a new word from the context in which it *- is used and from its composition.
Going through glossaries helps to a great extent in mastering this aspect.
In the Intermediate Public Examinations words for this question are usually picked up from the prescribed pieces. Hence, noting down the meanings of important words from the prescribed lessons will help the student score maximum possible marks allotted for this question.
Improving Vocabulary (word power) can be done in innumerable ways. These many various ways are easy to practise and enjoyable as one follows them. Some of them are presented here with one or more examples each.
1) From your regular reading, (Textbooks or general books) select five words a day that you do not clearly understand. Note them in a book, find out the meanings, take tips to use them in your own sentences from a good dictionary and start using those words in your speech or writing. Following this technique every day is very useful.
2) Try to guess the meanings of words from the context. But be sure to check whether your guess is correct or not.
Ex :
a) I saw a woman carrying a pitcher on her head and when she reached her home, she put down the pitcher. I saw water to its brims in that pitcher.
pitcher = a pot, a vessel, a container ………….. you are right.
b) Likhitha noticed her ten-month-old daughter was not closing her eyes even when she applied soap on her face. So, Likhitha took her baby to an oculist, who declared that the baby lost her power of vision and she was blind.
Oculist: guess. Yes, absolutely right: an ophthalmologist, an eye-doctor.
3) Study words with the help of their roots, parts, prefixes, suffixes, etc.
theo = god; logy = a systematic study
theology = a systematic study of god
zoo = animals; l0gy = study; zoology = study of animals
phi! = love; biblio = books; bibliophile = one who loves books
cide = kill or killing agent; or killing
pest = minute creatures; pesticide = that which kills pests
4) Study words in groups like :
a) Synonyms : words with similar (NOT THE SAME) meanings and belonging to the same parts of speech.
i) beautiful, handsome, cute, charming, pretty, attractive
ii) intelligent, brilliant, sharp, smart, bright, clever
b) Antonyms : words that have meanings opposite to one another. Like synonyms, any two antonyms should belong to the same part of speech.
i) good × bad
ii) small × big
iii) active × inactive; passive
iv) encourage × discourage
v) bright × dark; dull
vi) slow × fast
c) Homonyms : words with the same spelling; the same pronunciation but with different meanings.
- book (n) = పుస్తకము
book (v) = నమోదుచేయుట
book (v) = కేటాయించుట - bank (n) = నీధి
bank (v) = ఆధారపడి
bank (n) = నదీ తీరము - rest = విశ్రాంతి
rest = మిగిలిన, ఇతర - point = చుక్క
point = విషయము
d) Homophones : words with different spellings and meanings but with the same pronunciation :
1 – eye; son – sun; some – sum; sight – cite – site; see – sea; seen – scene
e) Homographs : words with the same spellings but with different pronunciation and meanings :
minute (మినిట్) = నిముషము
minute (మైన్యూట్) = అతి చిన్న
live (v) (లివ్) = నివసించు
live (adj) (లైవ్) = సజీవ; ప్రతక్ష్య
And there are many more play-way methods to enrich one’s vocabulary in an entertaining way.
Special Note : Make proper use of the sections WORD STUDY and WORD GAMES in the activities part, given after lessons.
Question 1.
Match the following words in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
Two sides of life
Column A | Column B |
i) accomplish | a) read aloud |
ii) overcast | b) sadness, grief |
iii) disconsolate | c) character, nature, temperament |
iv) unpalatable | d) hard to accept, not tasting good |
v) recite | e) grab or catch hold of |
vi) proportion | f) nurture, foster, tend |
vii) seize | g) a part or share of a whole |
viii) woe | h) cloudy, dark, gloomy |
ix) cultivate | i) achieve something |
x) disposition | j) extremely sad, unhappy |
i) – i
ii) – h
iii) – j
iv) – d
v) – a
vi) – g
vii) – e
viii) – b
ix) – b
x) – c
Question 2.
Match the following words in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
Father, Dear Father
Column A | Column B |
i) muse | a) unyielding, inflexible |
ii) ancillary | b) willing to obey, dutiful |
iii) fibbing | c) travel across |
iv) topsy-turvy | d) secondary, additional |
v) cross | e) great mental pain |
vi) prattle | f) telling a trivial lie |
vii) traverse | g) annoyed, angry |
viii) obedient | h) upside down |
ix) adamant | i) reflect, think over |
x) anguish | j) repeat meaninglessly |
i) – i
ii) – d
iii) – f
iv) – h
v) – g
vi) – j
vii) – c
viii) – b
ix) – a
x) – e
Question 3.
Match the following words in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
The Green Champion – Thimmakka
Column A | Column B |
i) saplings | a) buckets |
ii) confer | b) adopted son |
iii) foster son | c) exceptionally large |
iv) tending | d) without fail |
v) massive | e) a beginning |
vi) conceive | f) award a degree, title etc. |
vii) invariably | g) a particular aspect |
viii) pails | h) young plants |
ix) onset | i) to become pregnant |
x) facet | j) caring for |
i) – h
ii) – f
iii) – b
iv) – j
v) – c
vi) – i
vii) – d
viii) – a
ix) – e
x) – g
Question 4.
Match the following words in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
The Green Champion – Thimmakka
Column A | Column B |
i) tremendously | a) forcefully |
ii) propel | b) observable |
iii) pace | c) goal |
iv) barely | d) disappearance, loss, death |
v) perceptible | e) greatly, extremely |
vi) penetrate | f) tire |
vii) ambition | g) enter or pass through |
viii) exhaust | h) speed |
ix) extinction | i) move, push forward |
x) compellingly | j) to a very limited extent |
i) – e
ii) – i
iii) – h
iv) – j
v) – b
vi) – g
vii) – c
viii) – f
ix) – d
x) – a
Question 5.
Match the following words in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
Box and Cox
Column A | Column B |
i) crop | a) expressing anger, surprise, etc |
ii) bolster | b) a narrow shell |
iii) wobble | c) deny; take away something from someone |
iv) zounds | d) a type of small, oily fish |
v) emulating | e) move unsteadily |
vi) capital | f) a civil subdivision of a village |
vii) ledge | g) a large round pillow |
viii) parish | h) limitating |
ix) deprive | i) cut |
x) herrings | j) excellent |
i) – i
ii) – g
iii) – e
iv) – a
v) – h
vi) – j
vii) – b
viii) – f
ix) – c
x) – d
Question 6.
Match the following words in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
Two Sides of Life; Revision Test – I
Column A | Column B |
i) dwell upon | a) repeatedly, all time |
ii) consideration | b) very unhappy or uncomfortable |
iii) excellence | c) depressed, nervous |
iv) frankness | d) the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth |
v) charming | e) the act of thinking process |
vi) miserable | f) slightly wet, often in a way that is unpleasant |
vii) constantly | g) openness, truthfulness |
viii) damp | h) to think or talk a lot about something |
ix) atmosphere | i) very pleasant or attractive |
x) moody | j) superiority, distinction |
i) – h
ii) – e
iii) – j
iv) – g
v) – i
vi) – b
viii) – f
ix) – d
x) – c
Question 7.
Match the following words in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
Father, Dear Father, Revision Test – II
Column A | Column B |
i) transgression | a) irritation, disappointment |
ii) philosopher | b) nervous, rude |
iii) plucking | c) real meaning |
iv) harbinger | d) identify, be familiar with |
v) essence | e) pulling something out |
vi) frustration | f) skill |
vii) recognize | g) doing wrong, violation of a code |
viii) nervy | h) at risk to be lost |
ix) craft | i) truth-seeker, logician |
x) at stake | j) indication |
i) – g
ii) – i
iii) – e
iv) – j
v) – c
vi) – a
vii) – d
viii) – b
ix) – f
x) – h
Question 8.
Match the following words in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
The Green Champion-Thimmakka; Revision Test – III
Column A | Column B |
i) stretch | a) understand |
ii) monsoon | b) eating grass by animals |
iii) capture | c) clearly |
iv) cherish | d) huge, enormous |
v) realize | e) humble |
vi) evidently | f) unbelievable |
vii) modest | g) rainy season |
viii) graze | h) an area of land |
ix) incredible | i) value |
x) massive | j) catch hold of something |
i) – h
ii) – g
iii) – j
iv) – i
v) – a
vi) – c
vii) – e
viii) – b
ix) – f
x) – d
Question 9.
Match the following words in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
The First Four Minutes; Revision Test – IV
Column A | Column B |
i) resistance | a) silence |
ii) pounce | b) suffering, agony |
iii) flutter | c) surround, cover |
iv) anguish | d) natural, on the spot |
v) haven | e) dared |
vi) spontaneous | f) refusal to obey; opposition |
vii) lull | g) confuse, puzzle |
viii) ventured | h) move lightly and quickly, tremble |
ix) engulf | i) safe place |
x) bewilder | j) jump, leap |
i) – f
ii) – j
iii) – h
iv) – b
v) – i
vi) – d
vii) – a
viii) – e
ix) – c
x) – g
Question 10.
Match the following words in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
Box and Cox; Revision Test – V
Column A | Column B |
i) acquaint | a) bottom parts of hats that stick out |
ii) indignation | b) flat, level |
iii) confound | c) control, check |
iv) loft | d) revenge |
v) frightful | e) anger |
vi) contemptible | f) confuse, surprise |
vii) brims | g) a space, room just below the roof of a house |
viii) vengeance | h) dreadful, awful |
ix) curb | i) inform, accustom |
x) horizontal | j) hate worthy, shameful |
i) – i
ii) – e
iii) – f
iv) – g
v) – h
vi) – j
vii) – a
viii) – d
ix) – c
x) – b
Question 11.
Match the following words in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
Model Question Paper
Column A | Column B |
i) appreciate | a) convince |
ii) bring about | b) the quality of being kind, generous |
iii) provide | c) beyond hope |
iv) lighten | d) acceptance as true |
v) chasm | e) dismiss, become free |
vi) recognition | f) make something happen |
vii) benevolence | g) gap, wide difference |
viii) get rid of | h) give something to somebody |
ix) persuade | i) value something highly |
x) desperate | j) reduce the amount of worry |
i) – i
ii) – f
iii) – h
iv) – j
v) – g
vi) – d
vii) – b
viii) – e
ix) – a
k) – c
Note : Go through the section “MEANINGS AND EXPLANATIONS” given at the end of all the fifteen lessons. It helps you score 28 Marks in the Public Examination. That also helps in improving your language skills.