Telangana TSBIE TS Inter 1st Year English Study Material Grammar Articles Exercise Questions and Answers.
TS Inter 1st Year English Grammar Articles
Q.No. 10 (8 × 16 = 4 Marks)
- A, an and the ‘ are called articles.
They are basically adjectives.
‘A/an’ is the ‘Indefinite Article’.
The’ is the Definite Article.
The basic meaning of the Indefinite Article is ‘one’. Thererfore, it can be used only before the singular countable nouns The Definite Article, on the other hand, can be used before the singular or plural countable nouns and even before the uncountable nouns.
When to use ‘a’ or ‘an’ depends on the sound, not the letter that begins the following word. ‘An’ is used before words that begin with a vowel sound ‘A’ is used before words that begin with a consonant sound Pronunciation plays the key role in deciding the use of ‘a’ / ‘an’. Both of them are used with the same basic meaning, i.e. one.
Some examples of the use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ :
1. in the sense of ‘a certain’.
(ఏదో ఒక అనే అర్ధంతో )
A man came to see my dad.
There is an apple on the table.
2. to represent ‘a class’.
(ఒక వర్గాన్ని తెలుపుటకు)
’ peacock is a colourful bird.
An ant is a social animal.
3. in its basic sense of ‘one’.
Three feet make a yard.
She needs a one hundred rupee note.
(Note that ‘o’ in ‘one’ is a vowel letter but here sounds as a consonant. Hence ‘a’, not ‘an’.)
4. in the sense of ‘every, at the rate of, in the ratio of, etc.
(ప్రతి, ఈ లెక్కన, ఈ నిష్పత్తిలో అనే అర్థాలతో)
He pays as rent Rs. 3,000 a month.
The machine purifies 10 litres of water an hour. three times a month, ten rupees a piece, five kilometers a minute
5. before a proper noun to show that the speaker knows that man only by name.
(మాట్లాడేవారికి ఆ వ్యక్తి పేరు తప్ప ఇంక ఏమీ తెలియదనుటకు proper noun ముందు)
A Mr. Raghu is on phone. (చెబుతున్న వ్యక్తికి రఘు గురించి ఏమీ తెలియదు.)
6. in the sense of the same (ఒకటే అనే అర్థంతో)
Birds of a feather flock together.
7. before a proper noun used as a common noun. (ఒక proper noun లక్షణములు గల’ అనే అర్థంతో common noun గా వాడినప్పుడు.)
She thinks she is a Shakuntala Devi.
(Note : ఇదే అర్థంతో ‘time’, ‘space’ specifications ఉన్నట్లయితే అక్కడ ‘the’ వాడాలి. Indefinit article కాదు)
He feels he is a Sachin, (No ‘time’ or ‘space’ modification)
He is the Sachin of our college, (of – college – space specification. Hence the.
8. before the name of a profession, a trade, an occupation, a class, a religion. (వృత్తి, వ్యాపార, వ్యాపక, వర్గ, మత మొదలగువాని పేర్ల ముందు) a clerk, a lawyer, an actor, a farmer, a Hindu
9. in exclamations like (ఆశ్చర్యార్థకాలలో)
what a beautiful sight!
10. idiomatically
a little, a few (to make them mean positive)
many an accident, such a person
The Definite Article is used before .
1. a noun whose identity is clear.
e.g. : The weather is fine.
What is the time ?
2. a singular noun representing the whole class.
(మొత్తం జాతిని సూచించే ఏకవచన నామవాచకాలకు ముందు)
e.g. : The cow is a useful animal.
The lion is the king of all animals.
3. a noun which is unique or one of its kind.
(ఒకే ఒకటిగా నున్న పేర్లముందు)
e.g. : the earth
the sky
4. the names of rivers.
(నదుల పేర్ల ముందు)
e.g. : the Godavari, the Nile, the Mississippi, etc.
5. the names of oceans and seas.
(మహాసముద్రాలు, సముద్రాల పేర్ల ముందు)
e.g. : the Arabian sea, the Indian ocean
6. the names of gulfs and canals.
(అగాధముల, కాలువల పేర్ల ముందు)
e.g. : the Persian gulf; the Panama canal
7. the names of mountain ranges.
(పర్వత వరుసల పేర్ల ముందు)
e.g. : the Alps, the Himalayas, the Vindhyas
8. the names of holy books.
(పవిత్ర గ్రంథాల పేర్ల ముందు)
e.g. : the Bible, the Ramayana, the Koran
9. the names of musical instruments.
(సంగీత వాయిద్యాల పేర్ల ముందు)
e.g. : the violin, the guitar, the drum, the harmonium.
10. a Proper Noun when it is qualified by an adjective.
(విశేషణముచే నిర్దేశింపబడిన నామవాచకాల ముందు)
e.g- : the great Shakespeare
11. the names of inventions, human body, articles of clothing.
(కనిపెట్టబడిన, మానవ శరీర అంగాల మరియు దుస్తుల ముందు)
e.g. : Who invented the microscope ?
He was hit on the head.
The shirt is blue in colour.
12. the names of groups of islands.
(దీవుల సముదాయాల పేర్లముందు)
e.g. : the Maldives, the Andamans
13. comparatives when they are used in a special way.
(ప్రతేక్యమైన Comparative degree లోని పదాల ముందు)
e.g : The higher you climb, the better is the view.
14. the superlative degree.
(Superlative degree లో)
e.g. : Sarala is the tallest girl in the class.
15. Comparative degree when one of the items is singled out.
(Comparative degree లో రెండు విషయాలలో ఒకదాని గురించి ప్రత్యేకంగా చెప్పేటప్పుడు)
e.g. : Of Bengaluru and Hyderabad, Bengaluru is the cooler.
16. nouns denoting units of measurement.
(తూనికల విషయంలో)
e.g. : Now we are buying water by the litre.
17. Adjectives used as Nouns.
(విశేషణాలను నామవాచకాలుగా వాడినప్పుడు)
e.g. : The brave deserve the praise.
18. abbreviations.
(సంకేతాక్షరాల ముందు)
e.g. : The C.B.I., the U.S.A.
19. the names of ships, public buildings, aeroplanes, hotels,
e.g. : Ships : the Viceroy, the Vikranth
Public buildings : the Secretariat,
the Parliament House
Hotels : the Oberio Sheraton, the Taj
Aeroplanes : the Kanishka, the Ashoka
20. words like middle, top, end, first, next, centre, etc.
e g. : the middle order the top floor
at the end the first child
the next train in the centre
1. No article is used before the branches of knowledge.
(విద్య లేక జ్ఞాన సంబంధ విషయాలముందు ఎటువంటి article నుపయోగించరాదు)
e.g. : English (not the English)
2. No article is used before the names of days, months and seasons.
(దినముల, నెలల, ఋతువుల పేర్ల ముందు article నుపయోగించరాదు)
e.g. : Sunday is a holiday.'(Not the Sunday)
If winter comes, can spring be far behind ?
3. No article is used before nouns in certain phrases.
(కొన్ని phrases లోని నామవాచకాల ముందు article నుపయోగించరాదు)
e.g. by air (not by the air)
over hill and dale (not over the hill or the dale)
4. Don’t use any article before the names of games.
(ఆటల పేర్ల ముందు ఏ విధమైన article నుపయోగించరాదు)
e.g. I play hockey. (not the hockey)
5. No article is used before collective nouns.
(సామూహిక నామవాచకాల ముందు ఏ విధమైన article నుపయోగించరాదు.)
e.g. Mankind loves nature. (not the mankind)
We are members of society. (not the society)
6. No article is used before a Common Noun used in the vocative case.
(సంబోధనాత్మక నామవాచకాల ముందు ఎటువంటి article నుపయోగించరాదు. )
e.g. King Arthur … (not the King Arthur)
General Ajay… (not the General Ajay)
7. In certain phrases consisting of a preposition, no article is placed.
(కొన్ని phrases లో విభక్తి ప్రత్యయముల ముందు ఏ విధమైన article నుపయోగింపరాదు. )
e.g. on foot (not on the foot)
by train… (not by the train)
8. Don’t use any article before the names of substances.
(పదార్థాల పేర్ల ముందు ఏ విధమైన article నుపయోగింపరాదు)
e.g. Gold is a precious metal. (not the gold)
9. No article is used before nouns like school, college, hospital, prison when they are used for their primary purpose.
(school, college, hospital, prison మొదలగు పదాలు వాటి ఆశయాన్ని నిర్దేశిస్తుంటే ఏ విధమైన article ను ఆ పదాల ముందు వాడరాదు)
e.g. He likes to go to school. (not the school)
She went to hospital. (not the hospital)
10. Don’t use any article before the names of diseases.
(వ్యాధుల పేర్ల ముందు ఏ విధమైన article నుపయోగింపరాదు)
e.g. She has diabetes. (not the diabetes)
Study the following and notice die contrast.
- It took us an hour to reach a hospital.
- He is an M.L.A. and a man of principles.
- He is an honest man and hasn’t got a house of his own.
- We have to take an umbrella to go to a university in some countries.
- Interacting with an MP is a memorable experience.
1. A surgeon should be very careful, during an operation.
2. An engineer supervises the construction of a building.
3. We can take a decision.
4. Ramu and Srinu are of a size.
5. Birds of a feather flock together.
6. Tomatoes cost Rs. 40/- a kilo.
7. The Rajdhani express runs at a speed of 140 km an hour.
8. They killed a snake there.
9. There is a swimming pool in our town.
10. a piece of paper, a cup of tea, a packet of salt, a bundle of grass, a cake of soap, an item of furniture, a piece of information, etc.
11. A rose is a beautiful flower.
12. An elephant is a big animal.
13. Prathibha is a doctor.
14. Sandeep is an architect.
15. Did you order a hundred chairs for our college ?
16. Ravali faced a lot of trouble to reach her home in the rain.
17. A Mr. Bharani has come to meet my father. (Bharani is ununknown to me)
18. A Miss. Sana is waiting outside.
19. a barracks, an innings.
20. A knowledge of history is always useful.
21. It took us an hour to reach a hospital.
22. He is an M.L.A. and a man of principles.
23. He is an honest man and hasn’t got a house of his own.
24. We have to take an umbrella to go to a university in some countries.
25. Interacting with an MP is a memorable experience.
26. the Sun, the Moon, the earth, the sea, the weather, the Pyramids, the North Pole, the Charminar, the Warangal Fort, the Church of South India, the silent film era, the film industry, the Victorian era.
27. the railway station, the Commissioner, the Mayor.
28. Lord Krishna played the flute.
29. A.R. Rahman has impressed everyone with his composition of music on the guitar.
30. The camel is the ship of the desert.
31. The lion is the king of the jungle.
32. The heart is a very important organ of our body.
33. The tongue decides the taste factor.
34. The blind are very active, (the blind = blind persons)
35. We have to help the poor, (the poor = poor persons)
36. The minister is arriving in the morning.
37. We will go and meet them in the evening.
38. I met a girl and a boy at a railway station. The girl is about ten years old and the boy is about five years old.
39. The student whom I motivated became a doctor.
40. The novel I bought yesterday is interesting.
41. R.K. Naryan is one of the greatest Indian writers in English.
42. Honesty is the best policy.
43. Vishwanathan Anand is one of the most famous Chess players in the world.
44. Rakesh Sharma was the first Indian to go into the space.
45. The Padma Shri is the fourth highest civilian award in India.
46. My parents will celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary next year.
47. Vijay was the only student who raised a doubt about articles.
48. Abdul Kalam is the only President who was also a scientist.
49. the Pacific ocean, the Himalayas, the Andamans, the Niagara, the Kuntala Waterfalls, the Godavari, the Persian Gulf, the Kakatiya Canal.
50. the United States of America; the United Kingdom; the United Arab Emirates, the Republic of Germany, the Netherlands.
51. the Gita, the Bible, the Quran, the Guru Granth Sahib
52. the Mahabharata – but – Vyasa’s Mahabharata
53. The breakfast served at Taj Hotel is very tasty.
54. The more you concentrate, the more you understand.
55. The less you work, the less you get.
56. Kumar is the Sachin of their team.
57. High – Tech city is the Silicon Valley of Telangana State.
58. The English ruled India for more than two centuries.
59. The Birlas established Kesoram Cement Factory.
60. The Tatas are pioneers in Steel Industry.
I. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’/an
1. ………………. ant is ………………. industrious creature.
2. We can’t live without ………………. fan nowadays.
3. ………………. apple ………………. day keeps the doctor away.
4. ………………. ATM is ………………. useful machine.
5. ………………. honest man is always respected.
6. Amitabh Bacchan is ………………. famous actor.
7. Are you ………………. vegetarian ?
8. It is ………………. absurd story indeed.
9. I don’t believe him. He is ………………. liar.
10. What ………………. lovely Villa !
11. It is ………………. one-man show !
12. I never witnessed such ………………. long queue for Covaxin.
13. He is ………………. United Nations exployee.
14. We have quite ………………. few books on Yoga.
15. I saw ………………. accident this morning.
1) An, an
2) a
3) An, a
4) An, a
5) An
6) a
7) a
8) an
9) a
10) a
11) a
12) a
13) a
14) a
15) an
II. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the and laugh out loudly.
(1) ………………. vegetable seller’s wife gave birth to (2) ………………. son. (3) ………………. customer
who heard (4) ………………. good news, congratulated (5) ………………. vegetable seller and enquired about (6) ………………. state of (7) ………………. health of (8) ………………. newly-born child.
Then he said. “Sir, it’s very fresh.”
1) A
2) a
3) A
4) the
5) the
6) the
7) the
8) the
III. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ and enjoy the joke.
In ………………. accident person who lost his legs was crying. At that time, ………………. man who came there said, “Why do you cry like ………………. child ?” and said, “See that man who lost his head and ………………. hand and still not crying.”
In an accident a person who lost his legs was crying. At that time, a man who came there said, “Why do you cry like a child ?” and said, “See that man who lost his head and the/a hand and still not crying.”
IV. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ in the following riddle.
Q : ………………. truck driver is going in ………………. opposite direction in ………………. one-way street. ………………. police officer sees him but doesn’t stop him. Why doesn’t ………………. police officer stop him ?
A: ………………. truck driver is walking.
Q : A truck driver is going in the opposite direction in a one-way street. A police officer sees him but doesn’t stop him. Why doesn’t the police officer stop him ?
A : The truck driver is walking.
V. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.
1. I bought ………………. pair of new shoes.
2. I saw ………………. movie last night.
3. It’s raining. Do you need ………………. umbrella ?
4. Look at ………………. woman over there ! She is my mother.
5. ……………….night is quiet. Let’s take a walk.
6. ………………. spider has eight legs.
7. Peter is ………………. Italian.
8. I read ………………. amazing story last Sunday.
9. ………………. tiger is in danger of dying out.
10. She has got ……………….long hair.
11. blind, ………………. deaf and ………………. dumb lead ………………. miserable life.
12. My sister is married to ………………. farmer.
13. We spent ………………. whole week in Hawaii.
14. They met ………………. Minister yesterday.
15. It was ………………. hottest day ever.
16. I put ………………. unopened letters over there.
17. Is ………………. clock slow, or is it me ?
18. Keeravani is ………………. music composer and also ………………. singer.
19. I was moved by ………………. kindness that he showed.
20 I did not know that ………………. dictionary belonged to you.
1) a
2) a
3) an
4) the
5) The
6) A/The
7) an
8) an
9) The
10) no article
11) The,The,the,a
12) a
13) the/a
14) the
15) the
16) the
17) the
18) a ; a
19) the
20) the
VI. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.
1. I can’t play ………………. piano.
2. You are ………………. first person to arrive here.
3. Our swimming costumes were dry, but ………………. children’s weren’t.
4. They live in ………………. old house.
5. Rajesh is ………………. enterprising businessman.
6. Our plane was delayed. We had to wait at ………………. airport for three hours.
7. ………………. idea can change your life.
8. ………………. more you learn, ………………. more you benefit.
9. Mukesh Ambani is ………………. Bill Gates of India.
10. Is there ………………. AC theatre in your town ?
11. Panaji is ………………. capital of Goa state.
12. ………………. moon is ………………. symbol of pleasantness.
13. I have given ………………. one rupee coin to ………………. beggar.
14. ………………. rabbit runs very fast.
15. Is there ………………. bank near here ?
16. ……………….talent of ……………….writer can’t be underestimated.
17. ………………. simplicity which Gandhi followed is taken as ………………. example everywhere.
18. I interviewed ………………. M.R in ………………. evening.
19. Did you get married after leaving ………………. university ?
20. Would you like to be ………………. actor ?
1) the
2) the
3) the
4) an
5) an
6) the
7) an
8) The, the
9) the
10) an
11) the
12) The, the
13) a, the (a)
14) The/A
15) a
16) The, a / the
17) The, an
18) an, the
19) the
20) an
VII. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.
Two Sides of Life
Question 1.
There are quite __________(1)__________ number of divisions into which life can be divided, but for __________ (2)__________ purposes of this evening I am going to speak of two; __________ (3)__________ bright side of life and __________ (4)__________ dark side.
1) a
2) the
3) the
4) the
Question 2.
You will not accomplish __________ (1) __________ task which we expect of you go with __________ (2) __________ moody, discouraged, fault-finding disposition.
1) the
2) a
Father, Dear, Father
Question 3.
Yes, my first rank slipped to __________ second.
1) the
Question 4.
Do you think literacy is __________ harbinger of restlessness, fear, frustration ?
1) a
Question 5.
From his talk, it seems studies were __________(1)__________ ancillary subject; and living and experiencing, __________(2)__________ major subject. Father, is he fibbing ? Or is it possible that __________(3)__________ world turned topsy-turvy in just about 70 years ?
1) an
2) the
3) the
Question 6.
You know just like that boy, Vinu, in that award winning film. He prattles on __________(1)__________ Hibiscus is red __________ (2)__________ hundred times, but in his book, he colours it yellow. Are we missing out on __________(3)__________ essence of life ? Papa, that’s what happens in my craft and drawing class. My imagination wants to soar like __________(4)__________ rockets to Jupiter and Mars. To traverse new worlds, new fields.
1) the
2) a
3) the
4) a
The Green Champion – Thimmakka
Question 7.
Thimmakka could not go to school due to poverty and lack of facilities. At __________(1)__________ early age, she had to take up grazing of sheep and cattle and also work as __________(2)__________ coolie.
1) an
2) a
Question 8.
Thimmakka (she) has been recognized by __________(1)__________ Government of India and was recently conferred with __________(2)__________ Padma Shri award in 2019, which is __________(3)__________ fourth highest civilian award in __________(4)__________ Republic of India.
1) the
2) the
3) the
4) the
The First Four Minutes
Question 9.
Failure is as exciting to watch as success, provided __________(1)__________ effort is absolutely genuine and complete. But __________(2)__________ spectators fail to understand – and how can they know __________(3)__________ mental agony through which __________(4)__________ athlete must pass before he can give his maximum effort.
1) a
2) the
3) the
4) an
Question 10.
If I faltered, there would be no arms to hold me and __________(1) __________ world would be __________(2)__________ cold, forbidding place, because I had been so close. 1 leapt at __________(3 __________ tape like __________(4)__________ man taking his last spring to save himself from __________(5)__________ chasm that threatens to engulf him.
1) the
2) a
3) the
4) a
5) the
Box and Cox
Question 11.
I can’t say I did, Mrs. B. I should feel obliged to you, if you could accommodate me with __________(1)__________ more protuberant bolster, Mrs. B. The one I’ve got now seems to me to have about __________(2)__________ handful and __________(3)__________ half of feathers at each end, and nothing what¬ever in (4) middle.
1) a
2) a
3) a
4) the
Question 12.
It is not __________(1)__________ case only with __________(2)__________ coals, Mrs. Bouncer, but I’ve lately observed __________(3) __________ gradual and steady increase of evaporation among my candles, wood, sugar and matches.
1) the
2) the
3) a
Question 13.
Why __________(1)__________ gentleman who has got __________(2)__________ attic is hardly ever without __________(3)__________ pipe in his mouth and there he sits with his feet upon __________(4)__________ mantelpiece. From __________(5)__________ appearance of his outward man, I should unhesitatingly set him down as __________(6)__________ gentleman connected with __________(7)__________ printing interest.
1) the
2) the
3) a
4) the
5) the
6) a
7) the