TS Inter 2nd Year English Grammar One-word Substitutes

Telangana TSBIE TS Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Grammar One-word Substitutes Exercise Questions and Answers.

TS Inter 2nd Year English Grammar One-word Substitutes

Q.No.11 (4 Marks)

A single word that can be used in the place of many words is usually referred to as a one-word substitute. Knowing the meanings and usage of as many one-word substitutes as possible is very helpful in note-making and precis writing. It also improves one’s insight into the functioning of the language.

One h Ipful way to understand and remember the meaning of longer words is to know the r anings of their parts. ‘Telephone’, for example, is a combination of two parts ire. t ie (= distance) and ph?ne (= sound). Now think of the meanings of telescope (vision), telegram (writing), pbonedcs etc. ‘Autobiography’ is made up of three parts i. e. auto (= self), bio (=life) and graphy (= writing). Now you can easily understand and remember the meanings of words like automatic, automobile, biology, biometric, geography. Another way of acquiring quick command of one-word substitutes is to study them in groups, for example, of words pertaining to various fields of knowledge, referring to persons, etc. But the time – tested method is to have constant practice in knowing the meanings first arid then using them in sentences.

One – word substitutes
We can master our vocabulary by learning one-word subsdtutes. A one-word substitute, as its name indicates, is a word that replaces a group of words. The knowledge of one-word substitutes not only saves time while writing but also helps you in scoring good marks in competitive examinations.
To have a clearer understanding of one-word substitutes, read the following two passages. Pay special attention to the words or groups of words in bold.

TS Inter 2nd Year English Grammar One-word Substitutes

(a) Here is my cousin Saraswathi. She is a person who loves books very much. Whatever book she S:il:n lay h~r hands on, she loves it and reads it. Recently shehas developed a keen interest in books dealing with the study of human mind. Yesterday, at a seminar, she explained how some people suffer from a morbid fear of water. She also discussed how some . people exhibit obsessive devotion to their own people. Later, she talked about the study of gods. Participants in the seminar appreciated her as a person with total knowledge in the topic she discusses. But, she humbly admitted that she was just like anyone of them there,

(b) Here is my cousin Saraswathi. She is a blbUophlle. Whatever ~ book she can lay her hands on, she loves it and reads it. Recently she bas developed a keen interest in books dealing with psychology. Yesterday, at a seminar, she explained how some people suffer from hydrophobia or aquaphobia. She also discussed how some people exhibit ethnomanla. Later, she talked about theology. Participants in the seminar appreciated her as omniscient in the topic she discusses. But she humbly admitted that she was just like anyone of them there.

Have you noticed how one-word substitutes (in Passage (b)) replaced groups of words (in Passage (a))? Between passages (a) and (b), which do you like better? Yes, you are right! One-word substitutes lend brevity (the soul of wit), variety (the spice of life), beauty (a joy forever) and clarity (the soul of communication) to language. They help one enhance one’s understanding of the mechanism that governs the formation of words. Keeping in view the multiple advantages of learning as many one-word substitutes as possible, keep on acquiring a few one-word substitutes a week like a hobby (culture).


Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with one word substitutes. Choose the right word from the list given in the box below


TS Inter 2nd Year English Grammar One-word Substitutes

1. Repeated and reckless use of a ______________ results in irreparable damage because of the side effects of the chemicals.
2. The sage says that his view of life is his ______________ to every problem one encounters in one’s life.
3. The present pandemic has very effectively emphasized the importance of preserving and protecting ______________
4. Severe fever for a few months left my mother with ______________
5. My uncle is such an ______________ that he sees opportunities even in dreaded difficulties!
6. Swami Vivekananda said that one who extends spiritual knowledge to others is the best ______________
7. Srilekha invited loud applause with her melodies in her very ______________
8. Some people resort to ______________ when a girl child is born in their homes, which is inhuman.
9. Our teachers always encourage us to stay updated. For that, they advise us to go through a ______________ a day and be in touch with all major historical events.
10. You can never find a miserable ______________ as this gentleman. Introduce to him
1. germicide
2. panacea
3. ecology
4. anaemia
5. optimist
6. benefactor
7. debut
8. infanticide
9. chronicle
10. misanthrope

TS Inter 2nd Year English Grammar One-word Substitutes

Given below is a list of words to enrich your vocabulary.

1. agends  :  a list of things to be discussed at a meeting
2. agnostic  :  a person who claims neither faith nor dis-belief in the existence of God
3. altruism  :  unselfish interest in the welfare of others
4. amateur  :  one who engages in an activity as a pastime rather than as a profession
5. ambidextrous  :  able to use both hands equally well
6. ambiguous  :  having more than one meaning and so, is unclear
7. amphibious  :  living on land as well as in water
8. anarchist  :  one who rebels against authority or established order
9. anarchy  :  the absence of government or control in a society
10. annihilation  :  complete destruction of something
13. anonymous  :  (a person) not identified by name, of unknown name
12. anthology  :  a collection of poems or stories
13. antidote  :  a substance that’can act against the effect of poison
14. antiseptic  :  a medicine that prevents infection
15. archaeology  :  study of life and culture of ancient people through the excavation of sites
16. atheist  :  a person who does not believe in the existence of god.
17. audience  :  a number of people listening to a lecture or a concert
18. autobiography  :  the life history of a person written by him self/herself
19. autonomous  :  (a person or an insurute) that can take decisions independently
20. bacteriology  :  a scientific study of bacteria
21. benefactor  :  one who gives money or help to another person or cause
22. bibliophile  :  a person who loves reading and keeping books
23. biography  :  a story of someone’s life written by another person
24. biosphere  :  the totality of living organisms and their environemnt
25. bouquet  :  a bunch of flowers tied together to be given as a present or to welcome someone

TS Inter 2nd Year English Grammar One-word Substitutes

26. brunch  :  a late morning meal eaten instead of breakfast and lunch
27. calligraphy  :  the art of good handwriting
28. cannibal  :  a person who eats human flesh
29. cantonment  :  a permanent station for soldiers, garrison
30. cardiologist  :  a doctor who treats heart diseases
31. celibacy  :  the state of remaining unmarried
32. centennial  :  (centenary) the hundredth anniversary of an event
33. chef  :  a professional cook, typically the head cook in a restaurant
34. chronicle  :  a record of historical events
35. colleagues  :  people who work in the same organization
36. contemporary  :  living or occurring at the same time
37. cosmopolitan  :  an outlook that is influenced by people from all over the world
38. den  : the home of lions
39. dermatologist  :  a doctor who treats skin diseases
40. drought  :  prolonged period of abnormally low rain- fall
41. edible  :  fit to be eaten as food by humans
42. egoist (egotist)  :  a selfish person who talks and thinks of himself/herself
42. egoist (egotist)  :  a selfish person who talks and thinks of himself/herself
43. encyclopedia  :  a book of information covering all subjects (disease) regularly found in a particular
44. endemic  :  area or among particular people
45. ephemeral  :  that which has a short life
46. epidemic  :  the spread of an infectious disease in a very short time in a place
47. epitaph  : a short text written on a tombstone
48. epitome  :  the perfect example of something
49. etiquette  :  the rules of accepted polite behaviour in a society
50. etymology  :  the study of the origin and history of words
51. geocentric  :  having the earth at the centre
52. glutton  :  one who eats excessively

TS Inter 2nd Year English Grammar One-word Substitutes

53. graphophobia  :  fear of writing
54. gregarious  :  (of people) who love the company of others
55. gymnasium  :  a room that has equipment for physical exercises
56. hematophobia  :  fear of blood
57. herbarium  :  a collection of dried plants
58. hydrosphere  :  all the water of the earth
59. iconoclast  :  one who attacks established and cherished beliefs; idol breaker
60. imminent  :  about to happen in the immediate future
61. immune  :  resistant to a particular disease or toxin
62. incorrigible  :  (of people) who cannot be corrected or changed
63. indefatigable  :  able to work for a long time without becoming tired
64. indelible  :  (a mark) that cannot be erased easily
65. inevitable  :  that which will happen and cannot be avoided
66. infallible  :  incapable of making mistakes
67. inflammable  :  catching tire quickly
68. insolvent  :  unable to pay debts
69. invincible  :  too strong to be defeated
70. invisible  :  that which cannot be seen
71. irrevocable  :  something that cannot be changed
72. kennel  :  a house or shelter for a dog
73. lethal  :  designed to cause death
74. loquacious  :  talking a lot or too much
75. maxim  :  a short statement expressing the rule of conduct
76. mercenary  :  concerned with making money at the expense of ethics
77. misogynist  :  a man who hates women
78. mortuary  :  a place where dead bodies are kept until cremation
79. notorious  :  well known for some bad quality
80. novice  :  one who is inexperienced or new to a job

TS Inter 2nd Year English Grammar One-word Substitutes

81. nuance  :  a slight difference in meaning that is difficult to detect
82. obsolete  :  something which is out of date
83. omnipotent  :  having unlimited power
84. omniscient  :  having complete or unlimited knowledge
85. opaque  :  that which cannot be seen through, not transparent
86. optician  :  a person whose job is to examine people’s eyes and to recommend and sell glasses
87. optimist  :  one who looks at the bright side of things
88. ornithology  :  a scientific study of birds
89. orthopaedician  :  one who treats conditions involving the musculo-skeletal system / bone specialist
90. paediatrician  :  a doctor who treats diseases of children
91. palindrome  :  a word or phrase that reads the same backwards or forwards Example: madam
92. pantheism  :  the belief that God is present in all things
93. patent  :  sole right to produce or sell an invention
94. pedestrian  :  a person walking on a street
95. penchant  :  strong taste or liking for something
96. perennial  :  lasting for a long time, continually recurring
97. peregrination  :  a long slow journey, especially on foot
98. pessimist  :  one who looks at the dark side of things
99. philanthropist  :  a person who helps the needy
100. physician  :  one who attends to sick people and prescribes medicines
101. pilgrimage  :  a journey to a holy place for religious reasons
102. polyglot  :  one who can speak many languages
103. professional  :  a person with proven practical knowledge in a field
104. psychology  :  the study of human mind and behaviour
105. quarantine  :  confinement to one place to prevent the spread of infection
106. seismograph  :  an instrument for detecting earthquakes
107. somnambulism  :  the habit or activity of walking in sleep
108. spendthrift  :  a person who wastes money
109. stalwart  :  a loyal supporter of an organization

TS Inter 2nd Year English Grammar One-word Substitutes

110. stoic  :  one who is indifferent to pleasure or pain
111. teetotaller  :  one who never takes alcoholic drinks
112. theist  :  a person who believes in the existence of God
113. verbose  :  using more words than required
114. veteran  :  someone who has a lot of experience in a field
115. web  :  the home of spiders


Match the following word in Column A with their meanings / definitions in Column B.

Question 1.

Column AColumn B
i) ambidextrous(              )a) the study of the origin of words
ii) calligraphy(              )b) fear of writing
iii) etymology(              )c) fear of blood
iv) illiterate(              )d) able to use both hands equally well
v) graphophobia(              )e) the art of good handwriting
vi) hematophobia(              )f) fear of being alone in open spaces
g) the person who cannot read or write
h) fear of snakes

i) d
ii) e
iii) a
iv) g
v) b
vi) c

TS Inter 2nd Year English Grammar One-word Substitutes

Question 2.

Column AColumn B
i) bouquet(              )a) one who never takes alcoholic drinks
ii) drought(              )b) having unlimited power
iii) glossary(              )c) something kept in the memory of an event
iv) memento(              )d) a collection of dried plants
v) omnipotent(              )e) a list of terms in a text with explanation
vi) teetotaller(              )f) abunch of flowers tied together to be given as a present or to welcome someone
g) prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall
h) a short text written on a tombstone

i) f
ii) g
iii) e
iv) c
v) b
vi) a

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