Here students can locate TS Inter 1st Year Zoology Notes 1st Lesson Diversity of Living World to prepare for their exam.
TS Inter 1st Year Zoology Notes 1st Lesson Diversity of Living World
→ Biology is the science of life and living processes.
→ Cells of an organism are the ‘Basic Units’ of ‘structure’ and ‘function’.
→ The fundamental source of energy for all biological systems is the ‘Sun’.
→ Diversity in living organisms comes from their ability to change.
→ Evolution is the ‘Fundamental Organising Principle’ of life and it answers many : questions about life and its complexity.
→The increase in complexity is right from the simple cellular level to the organism level followed by populations, communities and ecosystem levels in the Biosphere.
→ All the habitable zones of life on the earth constitute Biosphere,
→ Growth is one of the fundamental characters of living beings.
→ ATP is the chief energy carrier for various reactions in living systems and it is appropriately described as the “Cellular Energy Currency”.
→ Lamarck (1809), a French Biologist coined the term ‘Biology’.
→ So far over 1.25 million animal species have been identified and described.
- Carolus Linnaeus (1707 – 1788) Father of Taxonomy and Founder of Modern Systematics, introduced the system of hierarchical classification.
- Three Domain classification includes Domain I – Bacteria, Domain II -Archaea Domain – III – Eukarya.
→ Carolus Linnaeus popularised the “Binomial Nomenclature” in 10th edition of his book “Systema Naturae”.
→ Species is the ‘basic unit’ of classification. John Ray coined the term species.
→ Buffon, in his book ‘Natural History’, proposed the idea of evolution of species.
→ “The Origin of Species” is the book by Charles Darwin.
→ Dobzhansky introduced the concept of “Mendelian Population” while defining a species.
→ Kingdom animalia includes eukaryotic, multicellular heterotrophs.
→ The variation of life at various levels of biological organization is termed as Bio-diversity.
→ The term biodiversity was popularized by the sociobiologist “Edward Wilson”.
→Darwin was bom in Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
- He was taught Classics at Shrewsbury Grammar School, then sent to Edinburgh to study medicine, which he hated, and a final attempt at educating him was made by sending him to Christ’s College, Cambridge, to study theology (1827). During that period he loved to collect plants, insects, and geological specimens, guided by his cousin William Darwin Fox, an entomologist. His scientific inclinations were encouraged by his botany professor, John Stevens Henslow, who was instrumental, despite heavy paternal opposition, in securing a place for Darwin as a naturalist on the surveying expedition of HMS Beagle to Patagonia (1831- 1836).
- By 1846 he had published several works on the geological and zoological discoveries of his voyage-works that placed him at once in the front rank of scientists.
- From 1842 he lived at Down House, Downe, Kent. At Down House he addressed himself to the great work of his life-the problem of the origin of species He published in 1859 on the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Darwin is called ‘The biologist of the nineteenth century”.