TS Inter 1st Year Political Science Study Material Chapter 3 Nation, Nationality and Nationalism

Telangana TSBIE TS Inter 1st Year Political Science Study Material 3rd Lesson Nation, Nationality and Nationalism Textbook Questions and Answers.

TS Inter 1st Year Political Science Study Material 3rd Lesson Nation, Nationality and Nationalism

Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
Define Nationality. Explain the Essential Elements of Nationality. [Mar. ’17]
Introduction :
The concepts of Nation and Nationality have become important components in the domain of International Relations and political science respectively. Both inspired the people of several countries with patriotic feeling prior to the two world wars.

The Events that took place in the erstwhile Soviet Union, ethnic Riots between Serbians and croatians in the former Yugoslavia, the unification of East and west Germanies, the peace talks between Israel and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) on West Asia etc., reflect the serious concern of the people for realising Nationality and Nation States.

Meaning :
The Word “Nation” is derived from a latin word “NATIO” which means “BORN” (BIRTH) or “Common Descent”.

Definitions :
1. R.G. Gettle :
“Nationality is a population having the common bonds of Race, Language, Religion, Traditions and History.

2. J.H. Rose :
“Nationality is a union of Hearts once made and never unmade”.

3. J.W. Garner :
“Nationality is a group or portion of population which is united by Racial and other bonds”.

Essential Elements of Nationality :
1) Purity of Race :
Racial purity helps in the formation and strengthening of the idea of Nationality. Race is a physical phenomenon. It depends on certain distinctions of skull, stature, hair, complexion etc. These distinctions serve as a cementing bond among the members of a group.

But we should remember that common race is not an indispensable factor in the growth of Nationality. Modem races are so mixed that none of them can claim to be pure. Pure races have disappeared because of wars and migrations. Racial purity is now a myth only.
Ex : Canada and United states have transformed into single nations inspite of their racial diversities in their respective populations. Similarly, Australia and Britain are two distinct Nations although they belong to one racial stock.

2) Common Language :
Language plays a key role in the promotion of nationality. The philosophers and scientists said that common language is essential for the development of nationality. Language is a medium to express all their feelings. It helps to express one’s ownselves to have cordial relations and to share the miseries and happiness in a group languages also promotes common feelings and traditions. Common language promotes the feeling of oneness and keeps the entire race on single track.

3) Common Religion :
Religion is one important factor to strengthen nationality. There are many instances when people of different nationalities with common religion remain citizens in the same state. For instance, the main reason for the partition of Indian subcontinent into India and Pakistan in 1947 lies in the religion.

4) Geographical Unity :
Geographical unity is necessary for the emergence of nationality. Nationality sentiments prevail and develop among the people living in a single geographical area. The people residing in such an area love, worship their country and make sacrifices for the sake of their motherland. People, who belong to one religion, converse the same language, same race living in a geographical area inculcate and improve their riationality sentiments. The formation of Israel in 1946 was purely due to the feelings of the hitherto wandering Jewish people to live in a single geographical area. Hence their desire of live in a territory made them united. This ultimately transformed them as patriotic persons.

5) Common History :
Common History is considered as an important element of Na-tionality. It invokes an inspiration among the people and binds them together. Some historical incidents may give a chance to the people .to develop national sentiments.
Ex : Indians have learnt the lessons of Nationalism from the British legacy.

6) Common Culture :
Culture in its broad sense means a way of life. It is reflected through certain common elements like dress, customs, conventions, food habits, religious beliefs, ethical values etc. They easily develop into a single Nation. These elements bind the people together and hold together.

7) Common Political aspirations :
Nationality sentiments prevail and develop among the people having common political aspirations. The political ideas, conventions and institutions which were formed due to the single political rule will have a considerable impact and influence over the people. For instance, the Swiss people love very much their direct democratic devices in political matters. Similarly the Americans express the feeling of worship towards their constitution. The British people also feel proud of their political and judicial institutions like rule of law, parliamentary democracy and judicial review etc.

8) Common Economic ties :
This element of nationality has been stressed by ‘Karl Marx’. Since then onwards the importance of this element has been increasing. The Russians have great regard for their economic system, eventhough there exist diversities. Their unflinching love for socialism inspired nationalism among them. They successfully repulsed the attacks of Germany during the Second World War. Thus the common economic ties made them united and integrated them into a nation.

TS Inter 1st Year Political Science Study Material Chapter 3 Nation, Nationality and Nationalism

Question 2.
Discuss the relation between Nation and Nationalism.
Introduction :
The concepts of Nation and Nationalism have become important components in the domain of International Relations and political science respectively. Both inspired the people of several countries with patriotic feelings prior to the two world wars.

Meaning :
The word “Nation” and “Nationalism” are used as complementary to each other.

The word Nation is derived from a latin word “NATIO” which means “BORN” (BIRTH) or “Common descent”.

Nation :
“Nation is a Nationality which has organised itself into a political body, either independent or desiring to be independent”.

Nationalism :
“Nationalism is a state of mind in which the supreme loyalty of the individual is felt to be due to the Nation state.”

Relationship between “Nation” and “Nationalism”:

  1. Nationalism is a psychological feeling prevailing in the minds of the people.
  2. People through the feeling of Nationalism sacrifice all their interests for the sake of their Nation.
  3. The strong desire of the people of a nationality to emerge aS a nation state is nationalism.
  4. The seeds of nationalism originated in the cultural renaissance of Europe in 16th century.
  5. In French Revolution (1789) pushed”the nationalism further in Europe and took to the great heights.
  6. The Vienna congress (1815) further supported the cause of nationalism in Europe.
  7. The Italian and German unifications boosted the cause of nationalism.
  8. The American War of Independence (1774) was a great leap forward in spreading nationalism among the people.
  9. The much publicized theory of Nation’s self-determination of Woodrow Wilson in 1917 was further generated hope among the people of the world to form Nation States.
  10. The two world wars completed to redraft the European map with the formation of Nation-states.
  11. The Freedom struggles and national aspiration of the people of the Asia, Africa and Latin America are fulfilled with the formation of Nation states immediately after the end of II-World war.
  12. The Indian national movement from 1885 to 1947 had fulfilled with the formation of India and Pakistan as an Independent States.

In this regard, we can understand that the feeling of nationalism when it acquires unity and independence. It becomes a Sovereign Nation.

There were some writers who treated the two terms as synonymous.

Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Briefly explain the essential elements .of Nationality.
Introduction :
The concepts of Nation and Nationality have become important components in the domain of International Relations and political science respectively. Both inspired the people of several countries with patriotic feeling prior to the two world wars.

The Events that took place in the erstwhile Soviet Union, ethnic Riots between Serbians and croatians in the former Yugoslavia, the unification of East and west Germanies, the peace talks between Israel and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) on West Asia etc., reflect the serious concern of the people for realising Nationality and Nation States.

Meaning :
The Word “Nation” is derived from a latin word “NATIO” which means “BORN” (BIRTH) or “Common Descent”.

Definitions :
1. R.G. Gettle :
“Nationality is a population having the common bonds of Race, Language, Religion, Traditions and History.

2. J.H. Rose :
“Nationality is a union of Hearts once made and never unmade”.

3. J.W. Garner :
“Nationality is a group or portion of population which is united by Racial and other bonds”.

Essential Elements of Nationality :
1) Purity of Race :
Racial purity helps in the formation and strengthening of the idea of Nationality. Race is a physical phenomenon. It depends on certain distinctions of skull, stature, hair, complexion etc. These distinctions serve as a cementing bond among the members of a group.

But we should remember that common race is not an indispensable factor in the growth of Nationality. Modem races are so mixed that none of them can claim to be pure. Pure races have disappeared because of wars and migrations. Racial purity is now a myth only.
Ex : Canada and United states have transformed into single nations inspite of their racial diversities in their respective populations. Similarly, Australia and Britain are two distinct Nations although they belong to one racial stock.

2) Common Language :
Language plays a key role in the promotion of nationality. The philosophers and scientists said that common language is essential for the development of nationality. Language is a medium to express all their feelings. It helps to express one’s ownselves to have cordial relations and to share the miseries and happiness in a group languages also promotes common feelings and traditions. Common language promotes the feeling of oneness and keeps the entire race on single track.

3) Common Religion :
Religion is one important factor to strengthen nationality. There are many instances when people of different nationalities with common religion remain citizens in the same state. For instance, the main reason for the partition of Indian subcontinent into India and Pakistan in 1947 lies in the religion.

4) Geographical Unity :
Geographical unity is necessary for the emergence of nationality. Nationality sentiments prevail and develop among the people living in a single geographical area. The people residing in such an area love, worship their country and make sacrifices for the sake of their motherland. People, who belong to one religion, converse the same language, same race living in a geographical area inculcate and improve their riationality sentiments. The formation of Israel in 1946 was purely due to the feelings of the hitherto wandering Jewish people to live in a single geographical area. Hence their desire of live in a territory made them united. This ultimately transformed them as patriotic persons.

5) Common History :
Common History is considered as an important element of Nationality. It invokes an inspiration among the people and binds them together. Some historical incidents may give a chance to the people .to develop national sentiments.
Ex : Indians have learnt the lessons of Nationalism from the British legacy.

6) Common Culture :
Culture in its broad sense means a way of life. It is reflected through certain common elements like dress, customs, conventions, food habits, religious beliefs, ethical values etc. They easily develop into a single Nation. These elements bind the people together and hold together.

7) Common Political aspirations :
Nationality sentiments prevail and develop among the people having common political aspirations. The political ideas, conventions and institutions which were formed due to the single political rule will have a considerable impact and influence over the people. For instance, the Swiss people love very much their direct democratic devices in political matters. Similarly the Americans express the feeling of worship towards their constitution. The British people also feel proud of their political and judicial institutions like rule of law, parliamentary democracy and judicial review etc.

8) Common Economic ties :
This element of nationality has been stressed by ‘Karl Marx’. Since then onwards the importance of this element has been increasing. The Russians have great regard for their economic system, even though there exist diversities. Their unflinching love for socialism inspired nationalism among them. They successfully repulsed the attacks of Germany during the Second World War. Thus the common economic ties made them united and integrated them into a nation.

TS Inter 1st Year Political Science Study Material Chapter 3 Nation, Nationality and Nationalism

Question 2.
In what way do “Nation” and “State” differ from each other?
Several Nation-States came into existence after the two world wars, on the basis of the principle of self-determination. The terms “Nation” and “State” were used synonymously. Even the political experts used both these words homogeneously and intermixingly as if both had same meaning. However, in practice both these terms are not same and identical.

Nation :
“Nation is a nationality which has organized itself into a political body either Independent or desiring to be independent”.

State :
“State is a people organized for law within definite territory”.

The concepts of Nation and State differ from one another from the following points of view:

Nation State
1) Nation is an independent political community or an integral part of a multi-national state. 1) State may consist of the people of the same nation or many nations.
2) Nation preceeds the state. 2) State follows the nation. The final form of a nation is the accomplishment of statehood.
3) Nation is historical and cultural in its evolution. 3) State is political and legal structure.
4) Nation is the community of people who exist together for a common goal and who were united by psychological feeling of oneness. 4) State is a people organised by law in a definite territory.
5) Nation is the culmination of a long coexistence of the people. 5) State need not be evolutionary in nature. It may come into existence either by unification of the smaller independent political communities or by partition.

TS Inter 1st Year Political Science Study Material Chapter 3 Nation, Nationality and Nationalism

Question 3.
Describe the tnerits of Nationalism.
The Nationalist charactor of the Modern State has the following merits.

  1. Nationalism removed the mutual differences, personal animosities and internal feeds. It promoted unity integrity and solidarity among the people of a nation. It enabled them io understand the neighbour’s point of view. So, it promoted closer understanding among the people.
  2. Nationalism made the people obey the government.
  3. It helped in achieving the progress of a nation in a short period.
  4. It accelerated the pace of the development of the state. It provided a democratic bare to the government and those strengthened the administrative system.
  5. It is anti-imperialistic. So it does not allow economic exploitation.
  6. It secured political stability and peacefull social atmosphere.

Question 4.
What are the differences between Nation and Nationality.
The concepts of Nation and Nationality laid formidable foundations to several modem political systems.
“Nation is a nationality which has organised itself into a political body either independent or desiring to be independent”.

“Nationality is a population having the common bonds of race, language, religion, traditions and history”.

Differences between Nation and Natipnality :

Nation Nationality
1) Nation is a political concept. 1) Nationality is a psychological feeling.
2) Nation is always a politically organised state. 2) Nationality is always an unorganised and flexible feeling.
3) Nation is always independent. 3) Nationality is not independent.
4) There can’t be a nation without nationaltiy. 4) There can be nationality without a nation.
5) People who form into a nation should obey the laws of the state. 5) Untill the people of nationality form into a nation. There can’t be constitutional laws. But they oblige certain common rules, in their best interests.

TS Inter 1st Year Political Science Study Material Chapter 3 Nation, Nationality and Nationalism

Question 5.
Write a short notes on National Self-Determination.
The theory of national self-determination was advocated by the former president of the United States of America, Woodrow Wilson in 1917. From then onwards nationalism became a world-wide phenomenon. This principle implies that every nation should be organised as an independent political entity. It raises the question whether every nationality has the right to be a self-governing or sovereign state. .

Nations, unlike other social groups, seek the right to govern themselves and determine their future development. In making this claim, a nation seeks recognition and acceptance by the international community of its status as a distinct political entity or state. Quite often these claims come from the people who lived together in a given land for a long period having sense of common identity. Such claims of self-determination were frequently, made in the 19th century in Europe. The nation of one culture – one state began to gain acceptability at that time. Subsequently, this idea was employed while reordering state boundaries after the first World war. The treaty of Versailles led to the formation of several small and newly independent states.

The Right to national self-determination has asserted the National liberation movements in Asia and Africa when they were struggling against colonial rule. Nationalist movements maintained that political independence would ensure dignity and recognition to the colonised people.

Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
What is meant by Nationality?
Nationality is derived from the Latin word “Natio”, which means birth. It is a spiritual sentiment or feeling of oneness. This emotional feeling of oneness or unity is caused due to factors like common race, common language, common religion, common territory, common history and culture, common political aspirations etc. Nationality is not politically organised. There can be no nation without nationality.

Question 2.
Define Nation.
Nation is derived from two Latin words – “Nates” and “Natio” which means birth. Lord Bryce defined it as “A Nation is a nationality which has organised itself into a political body, either independent or desiring to be independent. “It means that the people of country are called as a National if they are united by characteristics of nationality and have a strong desire for political independence or if they are politically free.

Question 3.
Write any two differences between Nation and State. [Mar. ’17]

Nation State
1. Nation is an independent political community or an integral part of a Multi-National state. 1. State may consist of the people of the same Nation or many nations.
2. Nation is Historical and cultural in its evolution. 2. State is a political and Legal structure.

TS Inter 1st Year Political Science Study Material Chapter 3 Nation, Nationality and Nationalism

Question 4.
Mention any two essential elements of Nationality.
Nationality is derived from the Latin word “Natio”. Which means birth. It is a spiritual sentiment or feeling or oneness. This emotional feeling of oneness or unity is caused due to factors like common race, common language, common religion, common territory, common history and culture, common political aspirations etc. Nationality is not politically organised. There can be no nation without nationality.

Question 5.
What is the importance of Nationalism?
Nationalism is an effective force in modem politics and it played prominent role in the world Affairs. It’s importance can be analysed from the following points.

  1. Nationalism inspired the people and created deep hatredness among the people.
  2. It helped in liberalising the people from oppressive rule.
  3. It became a deciding factor in the breakup of many empires and states.

Question 6.
Write any two merits of Nationalism.

  1. Nationalism made the people obey the government.
  2. It helped in achieving the progress of a nation in a short period.

TS Inter 1st Year Political Science Study Material Chapter 3 Nation, Nationality and Nationalism

Question 7.
Mention any two de-merits of Nationalism.

  1. Nationalism makes the people extremely proud, Jealous, and arrogant as was clear from the history of Germany and Italy.
  2. It leads to unnecessary and unhealthy competition among the nations in economic matters.

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