Here students can locate TS Inter 1st Year Botany Notes 8th Lesson Taxonomy of Angiosperms to prepare for their exam.
TS Inter 1st Year Botany Notes 8th Lesson Taxonomy of Angiosperms
→ Systematic Botany or Taxonorm deals with the identification nomenclature and classification of plants into related groups on the basis of information obtained from different fields of Botany.
→ Carl Linnaeus:
- Carl Linnaeus is “Father of Taxonomy”.
- He popularised the Binomial Nomenclature system and also proposed the sexual system of classification.
- His system of classification was simple enough to allow most of the people to key out a plant.
→ Plant taxonomy deals with characterisation, identification, nomenclature and classification of plants.
→ Grouping of plants based on their structural similarities and their relationships refers classification of plants.
→ Taxonomy purely based on the description of morphological characteristics is called Alpha Taxonomy.
→ Taxonomy in which information from other branches of science is also considered is called Omega Taxonomy.
→ Carl Linnaeus is considered as Father of Taxonomy.
→ Reproductive characters related to flower are of more stable and form basis of classification.
→ Artificial systems of classification are based on one or few superficial characters.
→ Natural systems are based on many similarities and differences in the floral and other related morphological characters.
→ Phylogenetic systems are based on evolutionary relationships of plants.
→ The latest phylogenetic classification is APG (Angiospermic Phylogenetic Group) system.
→ Numerical taxonomy uses mathematical methods to evaluate observable differences are similarities between taxonomic groups.
→ According to Bentham and Hooker classification, flowering plants are grouped into 202 natural orders now called as families.
→ The branch of taxonomy that uses the cytological characters like chromosome number, structure in solving taxonomic problems is Cytotaxonomy.
→ The branch of taxonomy that uses the phytochemical data to solve the problems of taxonomy is Chemotaxonomy.
→ Floral formula is represented by symbols of floral parts.
→ Floral diagram is the diagrammatic representation of floral parts and their arrangement.
→ In Fabaceae, the corolla is Papilionaceous corolla.
→ Pollination in Fabaeceae is entemophily and occurs by piston mechanism.
→ Biological nitrogen fixation is affected since root nodules of Fabaceae plants consist of symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria – Rhizobia.
→ The stems of Solanaceae plants consist of bicollateral vascular bundles.
→ Gynoecium in Solanaceae plants is bicarpellary and syncarpous ovary is bilocular with numerous ovules on axile placentation on swollen placenta. Ovary is oblique.
→ Perianth in liliaceae is homochlamydeous (tepals) and trimerous.