Telangana TSBIE TS Inter 2nd Year English Study Material Grammar Letter Writing Exercise Questions and Answers.
TS Inter 2nd Year English Grammar Letter Writing
Q.No.17 (4 Marks)
Letter writing is both an art and science. It requires scientific precision and artistic creation. The frame work or the layout is a science. But the writing of the body is an art.
Letters are broadly of two types : Private or personal and public or official or business. There is only a slight difference between the two kinds in regard to the framework. But the main body of one type is much different from the other.
Careful cultivation of this art called letter writing opens greener avenues for the young learners. Negligence of this valuable art results in gloomy future. This art can create miracles or mar one’s future.
Letters of great personalities have acquired the status of literary masterpieces and continue to thrill the readers with fresh fragrance even after centuries since their writing. That is the power of letter writing!
A letter has five parts. They are :
1. The heading: It consists of station arid date. It should be written on the right -hand top comer of the letter.
Eg. Santhinagar,
2. Salutation or Greeting: It is the addressing part.
Eg. Dear father, Madam,
Dear Sister, Sirs,
Sir, My dear brother,
Gentlemen, Dear Murali,
3. Body of the letter: It should be precise. It may be divided into paragraphs as per need.
4. Complimentary note or leave taking: It should be on the right side under the last line of the body of the letter.
Eg. Yours faithfully,
Ever yours, Your loving son,
(Don’t put an apostrophe in yours)
5. Address: You have to write this at the beginning above Salutation in official and business letters. In letters to the members of your family or friends, the address should be written on the left after the body of the letter.
Mr. R. Venkata Rao
C/o Dr. R.Madhusudhana Rao,
H.No. 209/C, Y.T. Road,
1. Beginning:
I have just received your letter.
I “hope that you are keeping well.
It was most kind of you to remember me.
It is a long time since I heard from you.
Your letter was indeed a great surprise to me.
2. Ending:
Please convey my regards to your parents.
With best wishes.
Hope to see you soon.
We look forward to hearing from you.
With all love and affection.
3. letters of congratulations:
Congratulations on your success.
Let me congratulate you On..
My hearty congratulations on your winning the match.
We send you our greetings on.
4. letters of sympathy:
I am sorry to hear about..
It grieved me a lot to know..
It is indeed a matter of great sorrow..
I offer you my deepest sympathy..
God’s ways are strange.
5. Letters of complaint:
I regret to’ inform that..
I am sorry to bring to your notice..
It gives me pain to write that..
Even after repeated requests, I find that..
6. Applications:
I came to know that..
Having come to know that
In response to your advertisement.. the dailies speak…
Points to ponder over for the purpose of Public ExamlnadOn: I
Format of the letter is important.
- Write each part at its proper place.
- Use punctuation marks appropriately.
- Better use fictitious names and places.
Body of the letter
- Use the style relevant to the type of the letter. Formal style in official and informal in personal.
- Divide body into paragraphs, if necessary.
- See that all the hints given in the question are thoroughly covered.
See that there are no mistakes in spellings or sentence construction.
There are broadly three different formats. The one given above is known as ‘Indented Format’. Of late, it has been losing its importance. The other two types are a) Blocked Format and b) Fully Blocked Format. In Blocked or Semi Blocked Format every line of the letter including signature except date begins from the left margin. All the models and exercise answers in this material use Fully Blocked Format. In Blocked and Fully Blocked Formats punctuation makrs are used only in the body, not in the layout, of the letter. Any Format will be treated as correct in the Public Examination.
Formal Letters
Let’s take a look at the format of a formal letter.
Examine the Model Letters given below carefully.
1. A letter of complaint to the police commissioner about the mess caused by the video games centre in your locality and seeking help to control them.
Flat No: 35
Park Avenue Enclave
Kompally Hyderabad
23rd May, 2020
The Commissioner of Police
Police Commissioner ate
Sub: Seeking help to control nuisance created by. Video game centers – reg.
I am a resident of Malkajgiri and a college student. I would like to bring to your kind notice that there are some serious problems created by the recently-opened video games centre on the main road, which has become the main attraction in the region. The centre is attracting many college and school going students. They have deviated from their studies and extracurricular activities. Most of my friends in this area as well as from the surroundings are more interested in sitting in the video game parlour than in the library or study room. Though parents do try to control, the children are being a bit too uneasy with them as the centre is open even late at the night.
I would like to request you to make the owner keep some kind of restrictions regarding the age group and timings.
I am sure you will kindly take necessary action at the earliest.
Thanks and regards
Yours sincerely
2. A letter to the editor of a leading local newspaper, pointing to the need to save children from the pressure in schools.
Flat No: 329/1
Rajini Residency
Street N0.6
16th April, 2022
The Editor
The Times of India
Banjara Hills
Sub: Need to save children from stress
I would be grateful if you allow me to express my views and grievances in the columns of your esteemed daily about the missing childhood these days.
Undoubtedly, childhood is the most important stage of everyone’s life. But it is often found missing these days. Their childhood is confined to an enclosed world of online classes, homework, tests and video games. What are we actually aiming at? Are we educating them or making them as machines?
The elders of the society need to recollect and realise the reasons for the success they are enjoying today. It’s a well- known fact that their childhood was liberal and creative with fun. Friends and family played a great role in their life. But, do the younger generation enjoy the same way? It’s high time to rethink. Every child should have an idea of life and how to modulate it. For that, they should get into some realities of life. Parents need to take the initiative for this. We should encourage children to socialize, go out and play in the open and develop wholesome personalities.
Yours truly
(S. Ram Prasad)
Loco Pilot
3. A letter to the principal of your college requesting to issue your transfer, bonafide and conduct certificates as you completed your intermediate course and you are about to join a medical college.
‘Nandini Ramagiri
6/2 – Temple Street
Mancherial 505303
2nd June, 2022
The Principal
Prerana College
Ram Nagar
Dear sir
Sub: Request for certificates
I was a student of your college in the academic years 2020- 2022. My optional subjects were Biology, Physics and Chemistry. My roll number was 2022126.1 am proud to inform you that I have secured the 201st rank in the NEET examination. This was possible only due to the excellent coaching provided by the lecturers of this college. Your inspirational words during assembly and study hours played a significant role in my success. I would like to thank you all wholeheartedly.
As you are aware, we need to submit transfer, bonafide and conduct certificates in the medical college during counselling. Therefore, may I request you to instruct the office to arrange the necessary certificates at the earliest? I have already submitted the “No Due Certificate”.
An early response will be very helpful.
Thanks and Regards
Yours faithfully
Nandini Ramagiri
4. Drunken driving is a serious issue. Here is a letter from Swamy requesting the traffic police to control drunken driving.
Flat No: 12/A-3
RNS Colony
6th April, 2022
The Sub Inspector
Traffic Police Station
Sub: Request to control drunken driving
I would like to bring to your kind notice the serious issue in our area. The problem is caused by drunken drivers. The late evenings are .always troubling times for the residents of RNS Colony, Himayatnagar, as there is uncontrolled traffic and sometimes even minor accidents occur involving at least one drunken driver.
We are really tired of these issues daily. It’s irritating, but there is no way to control it, as the drivers are not in a position to get convinced. It would be kind of you if you can post some constables in our area, to check the drunken drivers so that we will be able to live in peace.
Thank you
Yours faithfully
Ram Prasad
5. Here is a letter written by Mahesh wari, who is applying for the post of Assistant Teacher in a school.
Padmavathi Enclave
25th March, 2022
The Principal
Little Flower School
Survey of India
Sub: Application for the post of Assistant Teacher
I wish to apply for the position of Assistant Teacher, advertised in today’s “The Hindustan Times”. I am twenty- two years old and have just passed the university examination from Osmania University, Hyderabad. I have also done a course in teaching children with special needs from the NIMH, Hyderabad.
I have enclosed the required testimonials for further reference.
If I am given an opportunity, I can assure you I will do my best to fulfil my duties to the best of my capabilities. I shall look forward to a positive response from your end.
Thank you
Yours faithfully
- Graduation Certificate & Certificates for teaching special children.
- Residence Certificate
Question 1.
Write a letter to the CEO of the Chemical Industry in your locality, highlighting the pollution causedby them to the nearby river. Request him/her to take necessary steps to control it
Letter to CEO
M. Ramana
Pedavuru Of
Kondapalli (M)
Karimnagar (Dt)
Manisha Chemical Industry
Industrial Area
Sub: pollution – your Industry – Remedial Measures – Req
I am to bring to your notice the pollution your unit is resulting into the adjoining river and atmosphere. Effluents – untreated – in huge quantities are discharged directly and secretly into the river. Strong and harmful chemicals are causing loss of lives in the river directly and harm to people and crops around indirectly.
People in India treat river as sacred and offer prayers to them. And rivers are lifelines to human civilizations. It is the responsibility of every citizen to protect rivers in all respects.
Money is undoubtedly important. But, lives are more precious.
It is hoped that you initiate immediate remedial measures to avoid any further pollution with immediate effect.
Thank you.
Yours truly
Question 2.
Write a letter to the editor of a reputed National Daily highlighting the need to spread the message the Statue, of Equality seeks to promote.
HINTS: Its importance – Dedicated to humanity by the Prime Minister – First Pooja offered by the President of India – Recorded in the World Book of Records, London
Letter to Editor
Pravallika .M
12-85 Hydershakote
The Editor
News Herald
I find pleasure in writing to you about the need to spread the message the Statue of Equality seeks to propagate. The 216-feet, golden-hued Panchaloha Statue of Bhagavad Ramanujacharya is not just a monument; it is a symbol. It is a movement for equality. The eleventh century Vaishnavite preacher Bhagavad Ramanuja practised equality. He broke all barriers of very rigid customs of those times.
He allowed even the downtrodden not only to enter temples but also to take part in all temple services. Realising the relevance and value of this principle of equality, Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Chinna Ramanuja Jeeyar Swami conceived this 1000 crore rupee mega project in 2014 and materialised it in 2022. The missionary zeal that went into the project needs to be followed by every citizen in promoting the great quality of equality. The importance of the project and its message can be gazed from these facts.
It was dedicated to HUMANITY on 5th February, 2022 by the Prime Mihister of India. First pooja to Samatha Moorthy inside the temple was per-format in the presence of President of India on 14 February 2022. The World Book of Records,
London recognised it as one of the wonders of the world. Let’s spread the message.
Question 3.
You would like to know the procedure you have to follow if you lost a library book. Write an enquiry letter to the. Librarian requesting for information. [Model Question Paper]
Rajini. Ch
Second B.Com
National College
The Librarian
National College
I deeply regret to inform you that I lost the book ‘Accountancy Practices’ I borrowed from the library last week. While I am ashamed of myself, I feel it my immediate responsibility to rectify my mistake.
I would love to pay you the price of the book along with any other charges if that is permissible or else, I am ready to buy new copy of the same book and hand it over to you.
Please guide me in this regard so that I can relieve myself from the feeling of shame and guilt at the earliest. Moreover, it is- examination time and I should not deprive other students of the chance to use the book.
Seeking your directions.
Yours sincerely
Rajini Ch
Question 4.
Write a letter to the Collector of your area requesting him/her to be the chief guest of an inter colony sports fest your society is organising.
Sindhu G
12-4 Sai Nagar
Kama Reddy
The Collector
Kama Reddy
I feel it our privilege to invite you as our chief guest at our Inter-Colony Sport Fest on 02.07.2022 at SPM. We, a small group of women, have been relentlessly working for the cause of women empowerment.
As part of this noble mission, we plan to organise this-Fest. We all know that you are a real model of empowered women.
Your message will go a long way in inspiring women in our area.
We eagerly look forward to listening to your captivating words.
Thank you Madam.
Yours sincerely
Sindhu G
Question 5.
Write a letter to your Manager requesting him to grant casual leave for five days.
R/7, Seven Hills
Manasa nagar
17 May 2022
James Bridge
Lifeline Solutions
Dear Sir
I am writing to you to inform you that I may not be able to attend office for five days from tomorrow i.e., from 18 May to 22 May, as I am down with flu. I have been advised by the doctor to take absolute rest for recovery. I regret the inconvenience caused to the firm because of my illness.
However, I am glad I could meet the deadline set to me for the report of Handles Agency. I have sent it to you for your approval. I am willing to put in extra efforts to clear the pending work, if any, once I am back from my leave.
Thanks and regards,
Yours sincerely
Question 6.
Write a letter to the Sarpanch and concerned officer requesting them to take up necessary measures to improve sanitary conditions of your village.
Gangadhar M
Gadwal (dist)
The Sarpanch
I regret to inform you that sanitary conditions in our village are really in a miserable condition.
It pains the villagers to see dirt and garbage accumulating at every possible place. With a woman at the helm of affairs and another woman as the sanitary inspector, the village should have been much cleaner than ever It is better late than neVer. It is high time you initiated corrective measures at once. Monsoon season is notorious for spreading diseases. If the sanitary condition here continues to be in the same state, lives would be at great risk.
Hope you understand the gravity of the situation.
Expecting early action.
Yours ever
Gangadhar M
Question 7.
You are disappointed to know that you have not been selected to represent your college in the under 19 cricket tournaments. Write a letter to the Coach requesting him to reconsider his decision and offer you one more chance to prove yourself .
Sita S
Senior Intermediate
Geetanjali Junior College
The PD and Cricket Coach
Geetanjali Junior College
I find it extremely difficult to accept the fact that I have not been selected to represent our college in Under-19 Cricket tournaments. I kept cool and thought repeatedly about the possible reasons for my rejection. I could find none. Throughout my past track record, my performance has been flawless. And in every success we recorded, my contribution has been considerable.
I don’t want to blame anyone. But, my sporting career is at stake. I very humbly request you to reconsider your decision. If there is a need, put me to any kind of test. But ensure my inclusion in the team. I guarantee you higher success rates for our college.
Thank you sir in anticipation of a positive decision.
Yours sincerely
Question 8.
Write a letter to the Editor of a reputed newspaper about the ill effects of media, television and movies on your generation his decision and offer you one more chance to prove yourself
Praveena. S
Narayana Peta
The Editor
News Herald
I wish to bring to the notice of the authorities the ill effects of negative and demotivating content in both print and electronic media and entertainment industry.
Young and impressionable minds fall easy prey to misleading and demoralising content. Media and cinema industry are more concerned about their commercial interests than their social responsibility.
In good olden days cinema and media used to offer healthy and personality- developing messages.
But today ‘good’ is to be searched for closely while ‘bad’ overflows and overwhelms.
It is time that controlling authorities exercised their powers and set things right at the earliest.
Praveena. S
Question 9.
Write a letter of complaint to the Su b-Inspector of Police of your area about the theft of your mobile in your hostel. [REVISION TEST – III]
Letter of Complaint:
Room 12
Godavari Hostel
New Wings Jr. College
Peddapalli Police Station
Dear Sir
I am Madhavi of second MPC. I stay in Room 10. This morning while going to classes I kept my mobile in my cupboard as usual. But, to my shock and surprise, I found it missing this evening.
I request you to look into the issue and see that my phone is restored to me at the earliest.
Thank you Sir,
Yours sincerely
Sai Kumar P
Personal (Informal) Letters
Personal Letters : An informal letter is perhaps the most common of letters. Such letters are written from time to time to deliver good news to people, to convey festival greetings or to enquire about the health of family members and friends or even simply to maintain some contact with a person. These letters are very friendly and casual in their tone. These rely a lot on memories, shared secrets and humorous moments of the past.
Now, let’s go through some informal letters. You can notice the slight difference in the format too.
Question 1.
Read the letter written by Rahul Reddy to his friend describing the camp against child labour arranged in his school by an NGO called Sishukshema.
21st May, 2022
Dear Aravind
I hope you are doing well. I strongly believe you are doing well in your studies as it is in my case. I have a special reason to write this letter.
It is all about a camp called Sishukshema organised by an NGO, in our school, last week. Child labour was spotlighted. It was illustrated in a lively way. They discussed cases of children who were not allowed to go to school and made to work in factories, hotels and agricultural fields. We did really feel pity for them.
We are fortunate that we don’t have to face such situations. But the organization pointed out the need for our help and care for those who are not fortunate. So, we have decided to help them by providing them with books and fees. A special committee was formed in our school to raise funds for this, and I am the secretary of it.
I do hope that the students of your school also could definitely contribute to such a noble cause. Please share this with your friends and try to collect funds. Convey my regards to uncle and aunt.
Yours lovingly
Rahul reddy
Hyderabad – 500020
Question 2.
Read this letter in which a student is expressing gratitude to the teacher who helped her in preparing for the board examination
12th May, 2022
Dear Ms Kalyani
I would like to wholeheartedly express my gratitude for the help extended by you during my board examination preparation. I was struggling to make out the grammar part of the paper. But your support and efforts made it a cakewalk. Thanks a lot, Miss, for your assistance and affection. You spent your valuable time with me to get me out of this trouble. I owe you a lot for that. You have been a great support in my life.
Now, I am confident that I can pass’ any competitive examination. I am sure, if you stand with me, I can be successful in my career. I’ll always be obliged to you for your generosity.
Thanks a lot
Yours affectionately
H.No. 1-5-692
Ramnagar, Ambedkar Circle
Hanumakonda – 506001
Question 3.
Read the condolence letter written by Anurag to his friend Vinay on his friend’s death.
Gandhi Street
21st Feb, 2022
Dear Vinay
I was so sorry to hear about your friend, Raghu Ram’s death. I know how close you both were. You were more than friends. He was one of your family. Please accept my deep sympathies on. this irreplaceable loss.
Raghu Ram was very active and courageous. He took part in most of our community activities. He inspired me a lot. Many can take him as an inspiration. But he neglected his health, it seems. He should have been a bit careful regarding his health. I know, his death is a great loss in your life. Don’t hesitate to call me. I’m always here to help you.
May God bless you and Raghu Ram’s family with the strength to sail through this tough time. 11 op . to meet you this week. Please take care of your health and accept my sincere condolences.
With deep sympathies,
Yours truly
# 306, Anurag Enclave
Sripuram Township
Khammam – 507002
Question 4.
This is a letter written by a son to his father asking him to send Rs. 15000.
Prerana College
Ram Nagar
10th Sep, 2021
Dear father
Hope you are doing well. I am sure that all our family members are fine. I am studying well in all subjects. I’m proud to have lovely parents like you and mom.
Now, it’s difficult to express the purpose of this letter, but it’s a must. You know, it’s time to pay the college term fee of Rs.15000. It would be helpful to me if you could send the money immediately. The principal has instructed me to pay the amount by 21st September without fail.
Hope Lakshman is studying well. Convey my regards to mom and granny.
Yours affectionately
Ram Prasad
Krishna Prasad
Khileshapuram Village
Raghunathapalli Mandal
Jangaon District
Question 5.
Read a thanking letter written by Vijay to his uncle for the birthday gift.
Flat No.: 35
Green Wood
24th April, 2022
Dear uncle
Thank you so much for the wonderful gift that I received from you today. You know my tastes well. That’s why you gifted me a beautiful marble statue of Lord Budha.
I was rather disappointed to know that you are not attending my birthday party. But the statue of Buddha brought back a smile to my face. You are such a wonderful man. You are so careful and thoughtful in selecting an appropriate gift! Your gift symbolised your intention of preparing me mentally and physically to face the challenges of life.
I promise you that I’ll follow your guidance and put all my efforts to make you proud of me. Convey my regards to aunt and Kittu.
Looking forward to meeting you soon.
Yours affectionately
Gopal Rao
# 5-65, New City Road
Bhadradri Kothagudem District
Question 1.
Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about the new college you joined recently [Model Question Paper]
13-12 Hamsa Veedhi
Dear Santhi
I am very happy to write to you about the college I joined here. It is Mother Teresa Junior college for Girls. True to its name, it is really service oriented. Sprawling campus with lush green trees greet students every day. Spacious and well- ventilated classrooms, labs, library and study rooms offer us cool comfort. The principal is an inspiring personality with smiling looks and affectionate approach.
All the lecturers are friendly with us. They explain every topic clearly and in simple terms. Focus is on self-learning and self-assessing techniques. Games, cultural events, quizzes, debates etc are regular features. Learning here is a fun-filled activity. Creativity is encouraged. Slow learners are taken care of personally.
I am blessed to have joined this college. I wish you to visit our college at the earliest. Convey my regards to aunt and uncle. Good wishes to Pinky. Looking forward to seeing you.
Yours lovingly,
Shanti. K
Krsihna Enclave
Street No 10
Vikas Nagar
Question 2.
We all witnessed COVID 19 deaths recently. You have witnessed the death of your neighbour due to COVID*19. Write a. letter to your friend in the U.S. A describing the incident and how you felt about it.
11- A Sainikpuri
Dear Avinash
With a heavy heart that I do write to you about the tragic death of our neighbour – our uncle – Seetha Rama Chandra Murthy. The end had been very painful. COXID-19 infection, detected rather late. Best efforts from expert doctors failed to save uncle. Uncle was so dynamic, so friendly, so helpful that there was not a single soul in the village that did not bid a tearful farewell to that noble soul.
The saving grace is that uncle’s son and daughter are comfortably settled in our own village. They willingly and lovingly come forward to take care of aunt.
Yet the pain resulting from that sudden and sad demise needs quite a long time to ^subside. Yet, none can alter our fate except accepting it gracefully.
How are your children doing?
Any plans to visit India?
Regards to all of us there.
Yours lovingly
Raja Rao
Avinash Kumar. K
13 New Extension
Broad Way
New Jersey
Question 3.
Imagine you have received information from the Ministry of Education that you have secured the 5th place in Innovative’ Challenges Competitions. Write a letter to your friend describing your success.
A1 Apartments
Vivekananda Nagar
Dear Basha
I am just thrilled to tell you that I have secured the fifth position at the national level Innovative Challenge Competitions.
The Ministry of Human Resources conducted this competition in the last month with a view to encouraging young minds to take up creative research. As you know well, I have a keen bent of mind for innovation. I crave for fresh and new ideas.
The moment I saw the notification for this competition in February, I decided to participate in it. Systematic and scientific smart work with the active support from our physics lecturer saw to it that I achieved this distinction.
This honour encourages me to take up creative research as my full-time career. I see immense potential in the field.
What’s up there at your end ?
Let us meet soon.
Yours affectionately,
Syed Nasseruddin
Flat No. 205
Nalanda Heights
Near New Mosque
Nayeem Nagar
Question 4.
Write a thanksgiving letter to the lecturer who guided you through the Innovative Challenge Competition.
24-8B Church Road
Nadinetta Palem
Sanga Reddy (Dt)
Dear Sir
I am very happy to have secured the 5th position at national level in the Innovative Challenge Competition. But I am even happier to say that it’s because of your active support that I achieved this success. The way you monitored my work and the way you offered directions wherever corrections were necessary decided my destiny. But for your measured guidance, I wouldn’t have attained this position. I will be grateful to you sir, for this invaluable assistance. I hope to do better in my future endeavours with your help and blessings.
Thank you sir.
Yours sincerely
Daniel Sekhar
N. Prasanna
Lecturer in Physics
Sanga Reddy Academy of Sciences
Question 5.
Write a letter to your younger sister explaining the importance of reading books.
08-A1, Knowledge Hub
Dear Vahini
How are you all there? Hope you are doing well there in your studies.
From mom I understand that you have been burning midnight oil. Mom adds that you are not really happy with your scores. She affirms that your work, and the outcomes are out of proportion.
It is here I feel like putting in a word or two. What I understand is your toil is missing the right direction. Hard work is always important. But smart work really matters. I advise you to read books beyond your syllabus. You may think you don’t find time for ‘other’ books. If you have a will, you will find a way. “Reading maketh a full man,” (a woman too, of course!) said Francis Bacon.
This is more relevant in the modem knowledge-driven society. A good book first relieves you of the worry you suffer from. Then it shows you the way to perform better as you become a FULL WOMAN. Once you taste the fruit of reading, you cannot stop yourself from reading life¬changing books. This will sure change your attitude positively.
Bye for now
Your loving brother
Avinash. K
Vaishnavi. K
10-A Madhura Nagar
Gopala Patnam
Adilabad (dt)
Question 6.
Write a letter to your younger sister explaining the importance of reading books.
6-3 Dwaraka Nagar
Dear Manu
Sorry for the delay in replying to your letter.
For the past twenty days we have been very busy with the arrangements for our College Silver Jubilee celebrations. At last the programme ended on grand note the day before yesterday. Elaborate arrangements began a month earlier. As the Secretary of our college students union; I had to be responsible for quite a number of activities like cultural and sports competitions. Everything went off well. The concluding cultural extravaganza was the highlight. Group dances, solo folk performance, patriotic songs touched everyone’s heart. The chief guest’s inspiring speech drew loud applause from one and all.
Each student remembers the event for life.
By the way, how are you doing in your studies?
Let’s meet this weekend.
Yours lovingly
Dwivedi M
Manu. M
18/6-A Humayun Nagar
Pandy Bazaar
Question 7.
Write a letter to the front line warriors of your local hospital expressing gratitude for their services during the pandemic.
1-2/3B Ramnagar Enclave
Main Road
Chanda Nagar
Dear Doctor
It is highly admirable that you and your team have been relentlessly working to save people from COVID-19 related complication. While the world dreads to just hear the word COVID, you have been reaching out to the infected persons and rendering medical services, knowing well the risks the work involves.
It is here that you and your team deserve our heartfelt gratitude. It is worth ‘ mentioning that our village stands out in the entire state with zero fatality rate in COVID -19 cases. Credit goes to you all.
May God bless you all with more and more energetic enthusiasm. *
Yours gratefully
Shyam Kumar
Dr. Prem Kumar
Govt. Primary Health Center
Chanda Nagar
Question 8.
You are the president of a voluntary organization. You are going to conduct a blood donation camp on behalf of the Red Cross. Write a letter to your uncle requesting him to assist you.
Letter to Uncle:
r12-14 Ashram Veedhi
Vedaranya Puri
Dear uncle
Our ‘Friends Club’ is organising a massive blood donation camp on the 20th of this month. The collection arrangements are being taken care of by the Red Cross Society. We, the volunteers have given a wide publicity to the camp and response to our call to donate blood is really encouraging. Our modest estimates show not less than 200 persons are going to donate blood on that day.
As a doctor with commitment to common man’s cause, you have won a unique reputation. I have drawn inspiration from you in social service. You have always been great support and encouragement to me. Now I request for your active guidance and support for this massive blood donation camp. As that day happens to be a Sunday, please do come, help us and encourage us.
Mom and dad also want to see you, for it is long since you visited us.
Looking forward to seeing you,
Your loving nephew
Srikanth P
Dr. Madhusudhana Rao
People’s Clinic
Question 9.
Write a letter to your uncle describing your feelings about monootonous academic work.
Letter to Uncle – Monotonous Academic Work:
10, Tagore Hostel
Ideal College
Ravindra Nagar
Dear uncle
How are you all there? I’m fine here.
I write this to relieve myself of the stress resulting from our monotonous academic activity. Right from 5 in the morning to 10 in the evening, work, work and nothing else. And that too all mechanical mugging up tasks. No scope for thinking. No room for creativity. Play, exercise, entertainment are strangers in the campus. I am fed up totally.
I crave for a change. I pray for wisdom to dawn on the administrators. I know you understand me well. I felt like unburdening myself.
Hope to see you this weekend.
Lovingly yours
Praveen Kumar
Vivek K
12 Bhagyanagar Towers
Vallabh Nagar