TS Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 10 Biomolecules

Here students can locate TS Inter 1st Year Botany Notes 10th Lesson Biomolecules to prepare for their exam.

TS Inter 1st Year Botany Notes 10th Lesson Biomolecules

→ Even though there is a wide diversity in living organisms, all living organisms are made up of the same chemicals.

→ The elemental composition of living and non-living matter appears similar when analysed qualitatively.

→ Analysis reveals that the relative abundance of carbon and hydrogen with respect to other elements is higher in any living organism than in earth crust.

→ The most abundant chemical in living organism is water.

→All the carbon compounds that we get from living tissues can be called “biomolecules”.

→ He There are thousands of carbon compounds that we get from living tissues. They are called biomolecules.

→ Proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharide’s are three types of macro molecules found in living systems.

TS Inter 1st Year Botany Notes Chapter 10 Biomolecules

→ Lipids are small molecular weight compounds and are present not only as such but also arranged into structures like cell membrane and other membrane.

→ Proteins are polypeptide and polymer of amino acids.

→ He Polysaccharides are long chains of sugar containing different monosaccharides as building blocks.

→ Nucleic acids are made of nucleotides.

→ Nucleotide has three components-heterocyclic compounds, monosaccharides and phosphoric acid.

→ He Biomolecules have hierarchy of structures-primary, secondary, teritiary and quaternary.

→ He All the chemical reactions that occur is called metabolism. The metabolic flow is called the dynamic state of body constituents.

→ The most important form of energy currency in living systems is the bo, .d energy in a chemical called adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

→ He Living process is a constant effort to prevent falling into equilibrium.

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